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2 months later

I walk into a 2 story house, with 4 bedrooms one for me, Derek, Ava, and my father (Dr.Jase Hamby).

I forgave my father for trying to kill me...twice, he is my only parent left, plus since Edgar is dead he has no reason to kill me, and he is happy that Edgar is dead so we wouldnt have to suffer anymore.Turn's out Riley and Edgar were telling the truth, Ava had no part in anything they did, they actually tried mutpile attemps to kill her.

Everything turned out all right, hardly anyone got hurt in the battle so everyone got to go home to thier families, but there was still a goverment that watches those with thier powers, to make sure they dont use them them for bad and to make sure no non-magic user knows that they exist. We dont want to start a war or battle now do we.

As for Derek and me were been together for all most 2 months now and were very happy. Espically now that there is going to be a new addition to our family.

Derek and i sit on our couch watching tv when i decide tell him the good news.

"Derek?" I ask

"Yes?" He smilies "Oh do you want some whine to celebrate our 2 month anniversary." He grins and pulls me close to him.

"No, alcohol for me." I point to my stomach. Derek looks confused at first then his eyes go wide in surprise.

"Your pregnant." He smiles, trying to pick his jaw off the floor.

"Yes." I smile back, imitating the look on his face.

"Oh my god!" He picks me up, and swings me around and pulls me in a tight hug.

"Too tight!" I try to wiggle from his grasp.

"Oh sorry." He blushes and i kiss him softly.

"It's ok, now for the hard part...we have to tell my dad." His smile immediately fades

"I'll enjoy my last moments on earth." He jokes

"Haha very funny." I kiss him again, every time we kiss it feels like the first, but its not, and certainly not the last.


9 months later

"It's a boy." The nurse hands me my baby to hold. She looks so small and fraigle.

Derek pokes his head in and makes eye contact.

"Come on in!"

"How is..it?"

"he...how is he." I laugh

"It's a boy?" He smiles

"Yes..would you like to hold him?" I put him into Derek's strong arms.

"Hi..hi baby....what are we gonna name him?" Derek asks, and i have no clue.

"Ummm how about Logan." Derek jerks his head up.

"Really?" He gasps

"Yeah, do you like it?"

"Love it, thank you." he kisses my forehead. and the world flashes white.


I jerk up feeling the restraints in my chair. I'm in the chair i used for my test. My mind races and i realize something.

none of that never happened it was all my test.

"Oh my god!" I breathe and Derek stands in-front of me.

"What was that?" I gasp, trying to understand the events that had just happened.

"That was your future, only the prophecy can do that. You've been out for a few hours seeing your future. It wasn't apart of the test the chip injected in you actived it."

"My future?"

"Yes....do you want that...To go through all that again?" He looks at the ground then into my eyes.

"I do." I smile and kiss him, finally the test is over.

Now it's time to change my Destiny.

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