The Devil's Kiss

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The moment i looked into Derek's eyes i knew it wasn't him. Something has possessed him. I don't know who or what but its not good.

"Derek! I know your in there, block whatever this is out!" I plead. Derek is in there somewhere, i just don't know how to get him back.

"Who ever you are or whats inside you, i don't care!! Just kill her! Kill her and jo-" Shes cut of by Derek shooting her in the head. Her head falls back a gaping hole the center of her forehead. Her eyes wide with shock, and lifeless. The bullet went through her head and into the wall making a hole. The blood her head keeps getting bigger and bigger. Even though i wanted to kill her, and she tried to kill me, i still felt guilty, sad but most of all I felt  responsible. If i hadn't of come here, Judith would be alive and so would she, and Ava. Maybe Derek wouldn't be possessed right know.

"Derek! Stop this your scaring me!" I shout, shaking a bit.

"Scaring you? This is nothing compared to what you'll face!" He spits. The voice is not Derek's. Its not violent and rough. Even when he was yelling at me his voice still sounded sweet and caring.

"Derek..." I walk over slowly.

"Don't come near me!" He shouts pointing the gun at me again.

"Derek..your still in there. I know it...deep down you don't want to hurt me." I say slowly my hands are outstretched ready to grab the gun.

"I will kill you if i have to." He snarls

"Then do it." I try and sound confident. 

"Wh-wha-what?" He sound confused. His grips loosens on the pistol.

"I said do it." I step forward again. I'm within arms reach now. "If your going to kill me what are you waiting for?"

He just stands there confused and this is my chance i lunge for the gun, I grab it but Derek isn't giving up this easily the starts to pull on my hair, trying to untangle my fingers from the gun. But I'm not letting go. He'll have to pry the gun from my cold dead hands. I just hope it doesn't come to that.

"Derek! Let! Go!" I scream hauling on the gun and his arm.

"NO!" He screams and grabs my waist and tries to pull me on the floor. I end on on top of him and the gun goes flying across the room.

We just lay there in silence. Our faces only inches apart. There was only one way to get Derek out of his trance.

I crashed my lips to his, with so much passion and desperation. He's shocked at first, doesn't do anything but something inside him cracks and he kisses me back. Hard. He grabs me by the waist and flips us over so he's on top of me, his weight covering mine. 

"Kayla." He breathes, And  kisses down my neck.

I grab his hair and wrap my legs around his waist. We enjoy this moment for a few minutes but is ruined when i see Stacy and the blood pool growing toward us. I jump up immediately. Which startles Derek.

"Kayla? Are you ok? D-did i hurt you?' He says getting up. His voice is so caring. He's back.

"Derek? Your back!!!!!" I jump into his arms almost tackling to the ground. Again

"W-what happened?" He asks " And whose are they?" He asks nervously pointing toward Ava and Stacy.

"I'll tell you.....after we go to the clinic."


We sit in the hospital chairs waiting to hear back on Ava. When the doctors came they said she had a pulse so they rushed her into surgery to get the knife out. Its been a few hours and the silence is unbearable. Its been nothing but silence between us and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I really don't want to tell him that he killed Stacy.

"What happened?" He sighs. Not wanting to know the answer.

"What do you mean?" I try to play it like i dont know anything but it doesnt work.

"Dont play stupid Kayla! It doesnt become you!" He growls, and glares at me. I just look down at the ground trying to kept the tears back.

"Kayla...Kayla im sorry.. i just do you have any idea how it feels to not remeber anything?....Oh do.....oops." He looks down and i laugh.

"Yeah i do, you feel worried because you have no idea how you got thier or what you did wrong, then angry becuase it was someones fault and you want to find out how did it, then sad becuase you know you cant do anything about it." 

"Sorry." Derek says looking at my hands.

"For what?" I ask looking at him

"For taking you here to this place, for what i put you through, for runing your life....and giving up on you." He looks into my eyes. His eyes glossy.

"I....I dont....blame you for that." I say and mean it. "If anything you made my life for the better, and now were going to save more lives, by killing Edgar." I smile and so does he. But his smile fades when he looks into room 8 were you can see through the glass window that thier taking the knife out of Ava's chest.

"You didnt.....Kill Ava...or hurt her in anyway." I try to make him feel good before i tell him the bad news.

"And what about that other girl?" He asks nervously

"She tried to kill me." I tell him hoping to soften the blow. "And you killed her before she could kill me." I tell him showing were stacy hit my head off the floor.

"God! you should get checked out!" He stands pulling me up by my arm.

"No Derek im-"

"I DONT CARE!" I can hear Brandon yell from down the hall. He races toward me. Almost running over the doctors and nurses passing by.

"Kayla? Kayla are you ok? Hows Ava? Oh god Ava!!" He puts his hands and face on the window. 

"Brandon I'm so sorry its my fault i-"

"No! Its not your fault, It becuase of you shes alive right now." He trys to make me feel better.

Derek coughs uncomfortably. "So what happended after what happened with stacy?" He asks trying to change the subject. He's trying to make me bring up the kiss infront of Brandon.

"Wait..why were youy there? And why didnt you do anything about Ava!!!!!" He lunges toward Derek and Derek tries to swing a punch at him but i haul Brandon back and catch Dereks fist.

"STOP!!" I scream and they both take deep breathes and calm down.

 "I think we both need to get check out, You were possessed and i was beaten i think-" I'm cut off by the sound of Ava's heart beat machine flat-lines.

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