All's Fair In Love And War

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I stare in disbelief, there's no way Brandon is Edgar, It's impossible.

"Oh, it is very possible." Brandon/Edgar smirks

"Stay out of my head." I put my hands over my ears, to not only stop hear Edgar but to stop hearing my heart pound. "People are coming, and you wont stand a chance." I say that more for myself than him.

"Actually there not, there gone to field about a few miles away from here, thanks to my little side-kick." He smirks.

"I hate that term." Riley comes out and puts her arm around Edgar's shoulders. "I prefer the term...Partner in crime." She grins along with him.

"Riley? Why?" I sob as my eyes widen in fear.

"Because, Edgar's family....,died because of people thinking that Edgar's coven was doing dark magic!"

"Where they?" I ask, My voice cracking.

"Yes, but they didn't deserve to die, they did nothing to them! Edgar wants revenge, nothing wrong with that.

 "All's fair in love and war." Edgar looks at me.

"Is Ava apart of this too?" Has everyone that has helped me been in on this, has Derek?

"No, we couldn't trust her, when she was attacked by Stacy we thought we'd finally be rid of her, but she got better, jow she's out in the feild waiting like everyone else." Riley sounds disappointed

"She's your family!" I shout, "How could you be so cruel?"

"Cruel? CRUEL?!" Edgar shouts at me "Whats cruel is that you want to choose Derek over me!!!!" He shouts and Riley makes a tisk tisk sound.

"Good thing we brought re-enforcement's." Riley grins. 

Suddenly arms, come around me, pinning my hands behind my back. 

"Ahhh!" I scream, who-ever it is, has a strong grip.

"Hey there beautiful, miss me?" I recognize Jack's voice.

"Jack? How many more people are in on this?" I struggle to get out of Jack's grasp.

"Don't worry your little boy-toy wasn't apart of anything. But he will be a causality of war." He says calmly, and by now my anger turns into rage.

 "You mean like this?" I kick Jack in the groin, and he howls in pain. He lets go of my wrists and i use  this time to use my super strength to snap his neck. He falls on the floor, not moving a muscle.

"NOO!" Edgar screams and glares at me. Riley takes the chance to disappear and re-appear behind me, she pins me to the ground and starts to strangling me. I start to gasp for air, my vision goes blurry,  my limps feel weaker and weaker. My lungs beg for air, but none comes suddenly Riley's chest tears apart with a a few arrows sticking out of her chest. Blood pours out of her mouth she body shakes, still choking me, She eventually goes still and falls on top of me, loosening her grasp on my neck.

When i push Riley's body off of me i see Edgar holding a crossbow. He shot his own family.

"Why?" I ask, why would he do such a thing?

"Because, see was going to kill you, your my betrothed, were going to be together forever wither you like it or not." He growls and yanks my arm forward and hauls out a chip, the one that compelled me to fall in love with him.

"And this time, know-one will be taking it out." I try to yank my arm from his grasp but he is to strong.

"Just keep still." Edgar yanks my arm harder each time i move.

"HELP! HELP! DEREK, HELP! DER-" Edgar smacks me hard across the face.

"Ahhh" I scream in pain.

"Derek! Derek cant help you, Derek's dead! I'll see to it myself, Dead! Dead! De-" Derek comes up from behind and injects Edgar with a needle that can make him weak from what it looks like.

He falls to the ground, on his knees and look up and me, with sad eyes, pleading for life.

"Your not going to kill me, your my betrothed." Derek hears that and punches him across the face.

"Ahh" Edgar moans, looking weak and pale.

"Not anymore she's not." Derek  looks at me and smiles.

"Kill him and we can be together forever, i'll forget about your little...indiscretion."  Edgar looks disgusted.

"I will kill the one i don't love."  I say and Edgar smiles.

"Goodbye Edgar."  Its my turn to smile now, as a conjure up a fireball. I use all my powers and energy drawn into this one fireball.

"No! You can't do this to me! No! No!!"

"You said it yourself Edgar." I look at Derek and smilie. "All's fair in love and war."

Edgar  yells as the fireball connects with his skin he bursts into purple and black flame.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Edgar screams at the top of his lungs.

Derek moves me back so the flames don't touch us. He's just scream and going in circles until the flame dies down and  his charred body lies on the ground and turns into ash.

"It's over." Derek breathes. "It's finally over."

I take a few steps and look at what is now left of Edgar. "Yes, yes it is." I smile

"Was it true?" He asks

"What was what true?" I ask

"You being betrothed to Edgar, was it true?" Derek voice begging not to be.

"Yes." I look down

"Do know..want to...." He looks down and kicks his feet

"Do i what?" I tease him.

"Ummmm." "I-" I cut him off by kissing him. His hands find my waist and bring me closer to him. But i break i kiss.

"Whats wrong?" He asks concerned

"I don't have my powers anymore." "Once the fireball is used to kill Edgar all my power goes away. Forever." "Will you still love me without them?" My eyes turn glossy. As he cups my cheek.

"Yes, I love you Kayla, your still the same person without your powers." He smiles

"Good answer." I lean in to kiss him again. I love knowing that this is not the end. But only the beginning of a new happy life. Without Edgar.

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