The Sacrifice

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Darkness. It went from bright orange and yellow. to red and know black. My eye-lids feel heavy, my arms and legs are not responding to my mind. I want to get up but i cant. I can move my head, my eye-lids are slowly opening. It's blurry at first everything is just rubble. Pieces of the walls are in the middle of the floor, Windows are shattered, some of the equipment is blown up or in pieces, everywhere, People just laying there, and blood spattered everywhere.

I sat up and looked around, there was no sign of Derek anywhere? he wouldn't leave me would he?  Of course not, and he's certainly not dead if that were the case i would be too. I stand up, but to only fall again.

"I give up" I say and lay back down.  

I need to find Derek, I groan and get up once i have my balance, I feel i hand over my mouth, pulling me away. I try to scream, to get free of this persons grasp but nothing avails.He just keeps dragging me over the rubble. I realize he taking me outside.

He is helping me get out of this place? Who is the person? Do i know them? Is it Derek? I try to ask but it comes out muffled.

I try an use a fireball but the person catches my hand before i can use it.

"I wouldn't try that again if I were you!" He growls and tightens his grip. He keeps dragging me farther and farther away from the building, into the woods. The branches from the tress keeping hitting me. The more i struggle the more his grip tightness and the more it hurts to move. I use the back of my heal to kick him in the leg as hard as i can. He grunts in pain, his grip loosens i turn my body half-way so i can kick him in the groin he lets go of me completely, and i start to run back to the building. Then i realize maybe they'll think I'm dead if i don't go back there i can be free.

I start to run away from the person and the building into freedom, I don't make it very far because, someone hits me in the stomach with a log, knocking the wind out of me. I'm struggling to get my breath. They grab my arms and literally start dragging me back into the woods.

My feet are dragging on the ground leaving a long indented trail. I keep trying to struggle but these people are really strong, maybe they have super strength? could they just be regular humans? was this planned? or just random?

Is it a coincidence that I'm the prophecy and there dragging me into the woods?

The branches and twigs are hitting me in the arms and in the eye, I'm trying to scratch up my kidnappers arm to he'll let go but considering how well last time i tried to escape i should just give up or at-least see where there taking me. It could be to safety, to help me.

Or kill you. My annoying sub-conscious adds

For what seems like hours, we finally stop, she turns me around and pushes me to the ground, I look around there's a big fire, orange and yellow flames blazing from the burning logs below it, a few inches away there are rocks going into a circle around the fire. There are 3 more people, all wearing something covering their faces, there all wearing long robes that goes past their feet and all wearing a wooden cross around their necks.

There is 5 people all together not include me. Something tells me their not here to get me to safety. One of the pulls some rope out of their robe pocket to tie my hands behind my back. I'm position so I'm kneeling on the ground, and also sitting on my feet.  I'm dangerously close to the fire, i can feel the heat from the fire on my face making me sweat even more. I can feel the smoke traveling in my mouth and nose going down into my throat making me cough. That was the only thing that was hot it was freezing cold outside. My legs and arms were freezing i was shaking, with from the cold and fear.

"Wha-wha-what arrre yoouuuu do-doing." I say through my chattering teeth.

They stay silent, instead they turn back on to me, talking in murmurs to each other.

"Hello!!" I yell, i hate when people can hear me, but they choose to ignore me. One of them turns to me. I can the feel the persons eyes on me, glaring daggers at me. Like i offended him. I don't know what comes over me, but i make the situation worse, whatever the situation is.

"Yeah, im talking to you, tell me what the hell is going on here! You're not going to get away with this you-" I was cut off by him slapping me right across the mouth. It wasn't a love tap either there was a loud smack and i can taste the blood coming from my lip.

"That all you got! I could do worse when i was 4!" He clenches a fist. I'm getting him mad! I'm trying to work on the rope around my wrists. Its really tight, cutting off the circulation, who did this, knew what they were doing, Did they plan this? For how long? Before i came here? Or after? Am i going to die here?

I cant let that happen, so i keep turning and rubbing my wrists trying to get the ropes undone. I'm getting a serious rope burn on my wrist but if i get out of this it will be worth it. 

"What? are you mad? awww poor baby!" I say and i get the knot undone, the rope can be taken off now but i keep it on to make it look like I'm tied up until i see an opening for an escape. Hopefully this one will work.

The person step closer to me, when he gets in my reach, i kick him in the groin, it's down on his knees i kick him in the face.

I can feel the rage flowing through me, radiating all over me. I use that energy and anger for the purple fireball. It was the biggest one yet. 

"Don't even try anything!!!" I yell, I wonder if i can kill someone with this.

Their just starring at me through those masks. I look over at the guy on the ground, he unconscious for now. I keep my fireball in one hand aimed at the others and lift the mask off with the other hand.


Its Adam.

Legacyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें