Chapter 50

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It's officially chapter 50! Also, I'm like so happy because this story has gotten almost 50k reads and 2k likes since my last update. That's insane and I am so thankful for it. I have also gotten two offers for this book but I'm really attached to it. ^~^

Having been dictated and controlled with instructions and rules my entire life, to say that I have no idea what to do is an understatement

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Having been dictated and controlled with instructions and rules my entire life, to say that I have no idea what to do is an understatement. Instead of being the one to follow instructions, I am giving them and reprimanding people if they do it incorrectly. I was out of place, I did not fit in here.

Having to wake up early wasn't something I wasn't used to, so that was common ground for me. Being outdoors wasn't unusual for me either, but, once I got a glance at the groups of people, I shrunk back. The shorts I was wearing showcased very faint scars and made me feel very exposed. Though, instead of wearing a tank top or just a sports bra like the other women, I had on a sweatshirt. Orion sent me a weird look as we were leaving the room but he didn't question my actions.

Instead of jumping right in the action, I stayed back to the outskirts of the training field, watching and observing. Orion had assured me that I didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to or if I felt overwhelmed and I am very appreciative of that now. There were too many people, much more than I had previously expected to be here. Scents piled onto one another, some I had never ran into before, one of a different pack. Orion wanted to stand by me and comfort me but when two men had a disagreement that turned into a blood bath, he had to intervene.

My eyes scanned the arena for possible threats, a habit in which I am convinced will never die down. As I intently searched the area, someone caught my attention. She was very small and if I hadn't been observing as much as I was, I would have overlooked her. Though she could be easily overlooked, her hair is what caught my attention immediately. It was cropped of at just a over shoulders and it was a startling pink and purple color.

As I paid more attention to her, I noticed she was having trouble with throwing punches at a punching bag. Even though it seemed as if she were putting all of her power into her swings, the bag was barely moving. Analyzing her movement and form, I noticed she doing it incorrectly and would probably injure herself if she would to continue this. I debated walking over to her because to do that, I would have to walk directly into the center of the arena, for all to see. As I watched her throw another bad punch and then client had her fingers painfully by her side, I decided that was most definitely needed in the situation.

Keeping my head down, I blindly walked towards her direction, trying to make myself as small and unnoticed as possible. No one seemed to notice my presence, which I was glad, and managed to weave through the people sparing. The girl hadn't noticed me yet, so I was able to get a better look of her stance so I would know what I needed to correct. Waiting a few moments to give her time to notice me, she threw more punches and didn't even know that I was there.

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