Chapter 65

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A happy early birthday to my best friend. She has no idea that I write on Wattpad but she had an account on here that she never uses. Even though she will never see this, I'm going to put it here anyway.

Happy birthday! (9/18/18)

I never had the pleasure or ability to live in a secure environment with a stable home life

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I never had the pleasure or ability to live in a secure environment with a stable home life. So, I guess that is the reason why I didn't have a huge reaction to someone breaking into the house, because I had grown up around it. Humans always seemed to be drawn to my old pack land, entering my old home just to spray paint it. The abandoned building and run down, crappy motels I would sleep in for the night always had unwanted and unknown guests. I would just barricade myself in a room until they left or give myself enough time to escape.

This time it was different. This time it bothered me. It dug underneath my skin, itching its way through my body as it crawled, irritating my skin. It made my blood boil, an indescribable anger surged through my being.

They were in his office. This person was in there throwing his things. They were masking the last of his scent that still lingered there.  They were taking way the last part of his being, his presence, his essence that I still had and could stand to be near.

The bedroom felt to sacred to be touched, the be disturbed. It still held onto the time that he was still living, the times we shared together. It froze it, preserved it to a point where I could still smell him clearly when I walked near the closed door. The office was different. It was his entirely. It never held a purpose for me until now and I was rarely ever in there at all.

Standing up, I stomped over and threw open the door so it would slam against the wall. I wanted the intruder know that I was here. I wanted them to know I was coming, to be the hunter instead of the prey. Throwing open the the door, I was sure the knob embedded itself into the wall.

"What the fuck do you think you are-"

"I'm sorry for waking you. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Caspian." I signed and held my fist over my pounding heart. "I thought you were home, asleep."

"I was but Luna," He shook his head and kept rummaging through the books. "You won't believe this." Pulling another book off the shelf, he flipped to a page before tossing it to the side where others lied with it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, gesturing to the huge mess he was making. "What are you doing this and what won't I believe?"

"You'll think I'm insane if I tell you." He shook his head again, muttering under his breath and tossed another book aside.

"Caspian, you're scaring me now. Just tell me what's going on! Why are you tearing things apart?" Pausing what he was doing, he finally looked at me with a serious look on his face.

"This is about your father." My heart stopped for a moment and my anger faded, leaving me cold and empty instead of hot.

"He's dead. He doesn't matter anymore." I muttered.

"He's not dead, Malia." He grunted as he pulled a heavy book from a high shelf. "We just have to find him."

"C-Caspain, you're still not making any sense. My father is dead."

"What's taking him so long?" He muttered underneath his breath. "It would be so much easier if he were here."

"He? Who's he? Caspian you need to start explaining." Not looking at me, he kept rummaging through the wall of book shelves. Book after book was thrown carelessly at the floor. Dust that was collected on books that haven't been touched in a while collected in the air, making me sneeze. The more he kept muttering under his breath, the more uneasy I became.

"Caspian, I'm serious. You're scaring me. Tell me who he is!"

Warm air tickles the back of my neck and I could be the body heat radiating from their body to my own. Even though we weren't touching, that there was a space between us, I never felt closer to any other person in life time than them. The bond that had once been severed had now been reconciled. Ever fiber in my being called out to theirs, begging me to pull them close and close the gap between us.

"There's no way." I whispered, another tear running down my cheek. "It's impossible." I choked out.

I refused to turn around not matter how much I wanted to, how much I needed to. My wolf whined in the back my my head, clawing at the corners of my brain, clawing to get out. I didn't want to look even though I did. I wanted to see if he was truly there but I was afraid that he wasn't, that I was going to turn around and he'd be gone. I didn't  want to lose him again.

"I know, Sweetheart." He whispered back. The hairs on the back of my neck stood out, like they were reaching out for him.

"No." I shook my head and sobbed. "No, it's not real. It can't be real." I refused to believe the impossible. He was gone and that was that. If I knew he wasn't there, then I couldn't lose him all over again.

"It is, Sweetheart. It's real." His voice got closer and his breath brushed across my ear, making me shutter. "Just turn around."

Unable to refrain myself any longer, I spun around and buried myself into his chest. My arms wrapped around his waist and clung to his skin desperately. His strong chest muffled my sobs and heart wrenching cries and they escaped my lips.

He didn't seem to mind that my tears were rolling down his bare abdomen, I could feel his own falling onto my temple and cheek. The only other evidence of him crying was the shaking of his frame against mine. His arms that were wound around me held me strong and tight, refusing to have any sort of space between us.

It felt right. I felt whole once more. It was as if my soul was healed, completed again that he was now back with me, that he was alive. The empty put in my heart sealed as his soul filled it, coming back to its rightful place.

"O-Orion." I sobbed and held him tighter.

"I know, my Love." He spoke to me, running his fingers through my hair, placing a kiss on my forehead." I know and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Sooooooo...... He's not dead. I hope you're happy now and I'm sorry for making you think he was dead. I'm also sorry for making you cry.

Bonus, though: It's only gets cuter  from now on and a ton of feels.

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