Sequal Intro

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They were large, burly men, of a size never seen before by most. A different tongue was spoken by their lips, the majority of them not able to speak English. Their skin was pale, deeply contrasting with their dark hair, never to be kissed by the harsh rays of the sun.

Although they were of the werewolf species, the way they lived spoke otherwise. Their native land was blanketed by a layer of thick, white snow almost all year round. The stark environment trained them to survive in the harshest terrain which is why they are called upon in times of need.

Despite the distance between the large men and the little girl, she ducked behind her father's leg. Sensing her fears, he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, softly speaking reassurances behind him. Even though she was afraid of the unknown men, her curiosity got the better of her and she couldn't resist peaking her head around her human barrier.

The men couldn't blame the fear and silence that was he dived everyone. The heat got to them quickly. Shedding their shirts and  shorts, their muscles were on full display. It could be seen as a sign of dominance and aggression  but they truly meant no harm. Though, they did leave on undergarments to keep them selves modest. It was something reserved for their mates, only being fully nude in public when it couldn't be helped or avoided.

They approached the pack carefully. Although they were invited and their body language did not show aggression, they were not always shown acceptance by everyone. They were different, too different to most, even though they were of the same species.

"Alpha." The largest of the group spoke, holding out his hand. His grip was firm but not harming, the word sounding choppy coming from his lips.

"Luna." He bowed his neck to the female, his hands at his sides. They didn't touch mated females unless she initiated it, it's family or if it's in a dire situation. It was sign of respect in their culture. It shows that they were not interested in the female and they respected the females over males. As long as the female was happy in a mated pair, so was the male. The females bless them with children and they even worshipped the moon, a goddess, a female. They needed the approval of the female.

She smiled warmly, welcoming them from their strenuous journey. The men all relaxed their tense forms from the obvious sign of acceptance. They were all haggard and tired, not wanting a fight to a fight to break out but were anticipating a harsh unwelcoming. Although their help was needed, that didn't mean that they needed to be treated nicely.

"I hear you have problem."

I hope you read my new book and enjoy as much as this one or maybe even more <3

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