New Book

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No, I am not quitting this book! I promise!

So, I know this book isn't over with but I want to keep writing, even when this book is over. At first, I planned to write another werewolf book but my plots had wholes, the character developments were horrible and it was just terrible to work with

However, I had a three or four part book series I wanted to write. They are stand alones, so you won't have to read all of them but you might have to read them in order, depending on characters and other things.

They are all cowboy books...... (Hot)

The first of the series, which I have already started writing, is called 'Finding Solace.' None of the chapters are posted yet. I am debating on posting the character list before or after this book is finished. Sorry this is not an update but I am pretty excited for this new series.

Thank you

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