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The one thing I seemed to crave during my pregnancies were mom's chocolate cookies

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The one thing I seemed to crave during my pregnancies were mom's chocolate cookies. Once again, our kitchen filled with the heartwarming, sweet aroma of melted chocolate,and love wafted around. Ever since my first pregnancy, mom finally gave me her recipe, so I was able to make them whenever I was craving them, which was more often when I hoped. Small, grubbing hands pulled at my dress, wanting their own sweet.

Rosiline Janina Black, our eldest, was almost a spitting image of me. Where she had my facial features, she had Orion's thick, inky hair and bright green eyes. She was always attached to his hip but seeing as he wasn't here at the moment, she decided it was time to pay me a visit and mooch off my cookies.

"Mama, can I have cookies?" Her font two teeth were missing so is made her sounds as if she had a lisp. She was a very early bloomer and very bright, leaving the womb two weeks early and already losing her teeth at the age of four.

"Oh, you think you've been good enough to have cookies?" I teased her.

"Uh huh! I've been good all day!"

"What don't you go and see if your brothers want any?" I poked her nose and she giggled.

"Okay mama!" She left the room and I returned to taking the cookies off the hot pan and transferred them onto a plate. Not more than a few moments later, I heard some cheering and three sets of footsteps bounded down the hall.

Rosiline climbed up on a chair and her two brothers followed suit. Icarus, my eldest son, looked exactly like his father. For a three year old, he acted much more mature than other kids his age. He preferred reading and keeping an eye on his older sister, making sure the other kids weren't ruff housing with her too much. Calix, age two, was a spitting image of me, having Orion's eyes color. He never liked leaving my side unless it was nap time or he had to. He was shy but he was my most mischievous, always finding something to get into to. Regardless, I love all of them the same.

Pouring four glasses of milk, I dished out two cookies each, not wanting them to get too hyper before bed. They all liked to push their bed time, wanting to be awake to see their dad come home. When he had to stay long nights away, it was hard to get them to go to bed but they knew their was serious consequences if they weren't asleep by eight.

As the clock hit seven thirty, the cookies I have them had been eaten and their glasses of milk were drained. Right on time, Orion's walked the through the door, only to be tackled by three little monsters.

"Daddy." They all yelled, Calix trailing behind on his stubby legs.

"Whoa." He laughed and pretended to fall over.
"You guys are getting to strong for me." He picked up Rose and threw her a bit in the air, making her squeal as he caught he, doing the same to Icarus and Calix. Once their usually introductions were done, he turned to me. Giving me a short but searing kiss, the kids behind us all squealed and covered their eyes.

"Daddy! That's gross." They complained.

"Well you guys better get ready for bed or I'll do it again." His tone was light but serious and they all scrambled to get changed and brush their teeth.

He helped me clear the table of the dirty dishes, loading then in the dishwasher and starting it up. As I loaded the remaining cookies into a container, he hugged me from behind.

"And how is my beautiful mate?" He whispered into my ear, placing a kiss at the bottom of my neck.

"Exhausted." I joked, giving him a small smile and laugh. His warn hands traveled beneath my shirt, cradling my slightly protruding belly.

"And how's baby number four?" He asked, rubbing the skin.

"Being a handful. Making me crave cookies, again." I said as I placed one into my mouth, having my fourth of the evening.

"I can't complain." He said, popping on of his own in his mouth.
"I love coming home to you and freshly baked cookies." Wickedly grinning, he spun me around and pinned me to the counter.
"Though, I'm craving something else." Even after four years of being together, he always seemed to make my heart flutter as it did when we first met.

"Oh really?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
"And what would that be?" I teased.

"You." He growled lightly, pulling me to his lips.

"Daddy! You said you wouldn't do it again!" Rose whined, covering her eyes. Orion and I laughed at her antics.

"I thought I told you to get ready for bed?" He reminded her, picking her up and placing her at his hip.

"I did." She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Mm, you got me there." He poured but then replaced it with a grin.
"That doesn't mean you won't get away from the tickle monster."

She giggled and fought to get out of his arms. He placed her down gently and watched as she ran off. Turning back to me, his eyes turned dark.

"I'll be back for you later." He purred, giving another searing kiss before bounding off after a giggling Rose. I smiled as I heard him 'catch' her, tucking her into bed. Looking out the window, up at the silver moon, I prayed, thanking her for all she had done for me.

Also, if you don't remember, Rosiline is the name of Malia's late mother. And Janina is Orion's mom's name.

Although the story is now officially completely, the book is not. There will be few bonus chapters added so be aware of that! I am so thankful for each and every one of you that have read, commented and loved my book. It means so much to me and has made me such a better writer.

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.
With much love,

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