Chapter 66

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 ;)I dropped the heavy book to the ground to be able to hold her in my arms, able to finally pull her as close I wanted, needed

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.... ;)
I dropped the heavy book to the ground to be able to hold her in my arms, able to finally pull her as close I wanted, needed. Sending a grateful look to Caspian, he nodded his head and left the room, leaving us with each other. With each sob that let her lips my heart clenched, angry at her sadness and distraught state.

"Shhh, my love. Shhhh." Running my hands through her hair and down her back, attempting to soothe her.

"But you... I saw... You were... You were dead." She choked out between sobs, my own tears falling down my face and joining hers. Even in the afterlife I missed her, an empty hole in my heart opening up, knowing that it was missing something.

"I know. I know and I was." Clutching me harder, the sobs began to shake her body. Her fingers dug painful into my shoulder, her nails digging into my skin, but I couldn't even care. Grabbing her face gently, I tilted back until we were seeing eyes to eye.

"I'm alive. I promise. I'm here now and I'm not leaving you again." Her small thumbs moved across my cheeks, removing the evidence that I had been crying. My own fingers traced the dark circles that laid beneath her eyes, taking in how red her eyes were. I didn't miss the sad, utterly broken look that they held, making me tear up again.

"But how?" She cried. I saw you! You were gone!"

"I-I'm not really sure how, exactly." I pondered for a moment. "Everything was white and quiet. I've never felt more alone in my entire existence." I admitted, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"A voice started to talk to me. I couldn't hear her very well and at first, I thought it was you. I thought I that I had fallen unconscious and that you were talking to me." I said, running my fingers through her hair and resting my cheek on the top of her head.

"She said that I had a choice. She said that my soul was pure and I had a choice; to either go with her, where I would never feel pain again, or to come back here." Grabbing her hand, I placed it over my heart, assuring her that my heart was still beating for her.

"Even though she said that I would not have any pain, I knew she was wrong. I could feel you anymore. Even though we were in separate worlds, I missed you and it was unbearable." Bending forward, she placed a kiss over my heart, making me crack a smile and pull her closer.

"I begged her to let me come back. After that, she started muttering weird things. She said that you were stolen, that your father was still alive. I had no idea what she was going on about and I was going to ask her about it but she kept going. We have a traitor. A traitor with unnatural hair. "

"Rebecca. It has to be Rebecca."

"I thought that to." I said, shaking my head. "But it's not."

"How it could it not be her? She's been trying to get to you since I came here."

"The traitor caused all of this because of her mate. She did all of this for her mate because he asked her to. He used her."

"I still don't understand why it can't be Rebecca."

"Rebecca can't have a mate. She doesn't have a destined."

"What do you mean? All werewolves have a mate."

"Rebecca isn't like the rest of us, Malia. She's had a hard life, not like you, but a difficult one." Picking her up by her legs, I sat her down on the top of my desk.

"She's half human. A mutt. A disgrace to the werewolf wolf and a freak to the human's eyes. Her mother had a one night stand and had her. When her mother found out was she was and abandoned her in the woods a few miles from here."

"That's horrible." Her mouth hung open in horror and I nodded in agreement.

"My parents took pity on her and took her in. For the first few months, I was the only kid who was kind to her, so she stuck with me. So, she's no jealous of you, per say, she's just jealous of what we have together."

"Then who is the traitor, then?"

"I don't know." I admitted and pulled back. "But what I do know is how to solve the issues with your family." Walking over to the book I dropped earlier, I brought it over to the desk and handed it to her.

"What is this?" She murmured, carefully opening old book, the spine looking like it was going to fall apart.

"It's the crime log. It is every recorded crime in the werewolf world."

"Then why wasn't it in your office?"

"Because," I said, taking it from her and began to flip through the worn pages. "This book can give anyone power. If someone gets ahold of this, they can use it to blackmail anyone. We hide them in places no one can find."

"Wouldn't everyone already know about the crimes if it was recorded down. That's means someone had to know about them."

"No, that's the thing about this book, about half the books in this room. It is enchanted. The are constantly updating themselves with the latest I information about death, births, crimes, anything. Some crimes are committed without being known and the perpetrator gets away with it. This book knows who did it and what happened. Alphas tend to use these books before allowing unknown people into packs."

"But how is it going to help me with my father? He's dead."

"Because she said that you were stolen, which is a crime."

"I still don't understand what you are getting at." She looked at me through her lashes as I continued to flip through the pages.

"My love," I stopped my actions and looked her into the eye. "I think you were taken away from your family."

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