36. Second Encounter

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Since it was late and dark outside, they decided to go early in the morning. Hannah, John, and Mr. Jackson spent the night in the hospital room with Mrs. Jackson. The shock of the whole incident had a lot of effects - emotionally and mentally, on Mrs. Jackson. Sometime, in her sleep, she would murmur and get scared - crying for help, screaming to save her, screaming not to kill her - and whenever, they would hear her, they all would come rushing to tell her that it's alright, that she's safe in the hospital, that no one's gonna hurt her now.

With the first rays of the morning sun, Hannah and John bid farewell to their father, as they do not want to waste any more time to end it once and for all with the assurance that they would keep each other safe.

Turning the key to the right side and giving the ignition, Hannah pushed the accelerator, changed the gears as they both got ready to head to find the third and the final stone.

It was a beautiful morning - with the birds singing melodiously, the sun rays penetrating through the trees making a Tyndall effect, with the cool and refreshing morning breeze touching the skin and the quietness from all the traffic noises. As it was a long way, they stopped at a few places to get fresh, to eat, to stretch, and to take a break.

"How much longer?" John asked fidgeting with his seat belt.

"Only around 15 minutes before we reach East High and then 500 miles from there," Hannah answered without diverting her focus from the road.

John groaned and turned to face the window.

He clearly does not like long car rides but at least he didn't have any issues of motion sickness, otherwise, it would be difficult to handle him. Hannah giggled silently and then her phone rang.

"Hey, Emily!" Hannah answered excitedly. "How are you?"

"Hey, Hannah! I'm getting better, thanks. Heard about your mom." Her voice went from cheerful to a concerned tone. "How's she?"

"She's good now. But still, that horrible incident is troubling her." Hannah imagined how it would have been for her mother to go through such a gruesome incident. All she wished for her to get back to just like she was before.

"No wonder. I really hope you guys find the third stone and end all this. I really wanted to join you guys, but the doctor says that I should be careful since my tissues and veins are healing and some other stuff which went straight above my head."

Hannah gave a small laugh.

"By the way, where are you guys now? Reached?"

"Nope. We're about to reach East High and then 500 miles more to go. Gosh! This driving thing is so exhausting! But the view's great, Emily! I'll send you the pics."

"Alright, Ms. 500-miles-more-to-go-exhausted-driver! I'll talk to you soon. Tell me when you reach there."

"K." And then both of them hung up.

It was around 9 am when they had touched East High. They stopped at a local restaurant for breakfast. After about a long 30 minutes break of having tacos and burritos, they continued their journey.

During the ride, they called their mom to check up on her, watched the deer crossing their path, had a burger and a pepperoni pizza in lunch, sang along to the songs playing on the radio, ate potato chips and other snacks, when it got almost dusk and only 200 more miles were left to reach their destination.

"Yes!" John exclaimed with his hands up in the air after knowing that they were getting close.

Hannah giggled looking at her brother when suddenly their car began to go haywire with giving sudden jolts every now and then.

"Hannah? What's happening?" John grabbed the corner of his seats and pushed himself hard against it, trying not to fall or hit something.

"I-I don't know!" Hannah exclaimed trying to gain control over the car. "It's like the car got a mind of its own. I can't control it." She moved the steering wheels from one side to another but it was like the car was immune to it - as if the connection was cut. All the car was doing was jolting while moving straight.

"I'm not in a mood for some amusement ride. The food inside will come up. I don't want to throw up! DO SOMETHING!" John's voice cracked and shook with every bounce and thrust.

Hannah moved the steering wheels, applied the brakes, and tried everything she thought of but the car just won't stop jolting. And then suddenly, with a final jolt, it came to an abrupt halt. Due to the momentum, Hannah's head hit the steering wheels while John's head hit the area above the glove compartment box, even with the seatbelt on.

"OUCH!" both screamed and then something loud hit their windshield - so loud that it almost felt like a piano crashing to the ground after being thrown from the 9th or the 10th floor. They slowly looked above and gasped in fear when they saw the source of the sound.

Dressed in a black gown with a bat hanging from the side of her hair, with a ruined makeup and a horrifying face, it was the same eerie woman.

She gave an evil and creepy smile, showing her yellow, crooked teeth, with the eyes that held the impression that she was about to eat the two of them, she spoke, "So, we meet again?" She tilted her head to her left side, full 90 degrees, that it made her neck rest on her shoulder - as if her neck was cut open from the side, bones totally broken.

Hannah and John both tried their level best to escape, trying to ignite to the car, but every time Hannah turned the key, the engine only made noises - the car stood still.

The woman giggled. "You can't escape, Hannah and John. It's useless."

Surprised, they both looked at the woman with Hannah asking, "H-how do you know our names?"

The woman gave a creepy laugh, sending chills to the bones of the two. "How do I know your name?" She said tapping her chin with her index finger while her thumb rested on her cheek. "How do I know your name? Well, I just do." She said nonchalantly.

"Move! Get out of our way!" John yelled, collecting every bit of strength he had.

But the woman only laughed. "You two are such an idiot. Fools. I have warned you before. But you didn't care. Now don't care about your life either." She said as she continued to let out a chilling laugh. "You have made a huge mistake. You shouldn't have meddled in this far. She won't spare you now. Get ready to say goodbye to your life!" as she continued to laugh creepily.

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