58. Let The Game Begin

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"Hannah, Diana, whatever you are," David began still holding onto his wife by his side, "Please leave us alone. Hannah won't do that. She is not the kind of person who would take a gruesome revenge. Please let her go."

Hannah stood there, unaffected.

"We beg you, dear," Rose accompanied her husband. She cannot see her daughter kill someone. She knows she is a good child. She cannot do any harm to anyone. She isn't like this at all - not even in a parallel universe. Hannah, who is her daughter, cares about every soul. But this wasn't her daughter. This was the demon that was speaking through her daughter's mouth. "Please, let your anger go, Diana. Vengeance won't do anyone any good. What had Petunia even done to you? Or anyone? As a matter of fact."

"She-she's right," Petunia said still trying to catch her breath while trembling. "Let me go."

Hannah raised her eyebrow, "You don't know what I've been through!" She screamed. "You are - No one is in any position to judge. It's better if you keep your mouth shut." She gave Rose a death stare.

"So, you all want me to spare someone who tried to kill your daughter? Wow." Hannah looked around. "But if you want to protect her so much, why don't you share her fate then?"

Everyone looked at each other, trying to understand what she meant by that.

"I know," Hannah snapped her fingers as the dining table with the food on it came flying in and landed in the center of the room with the chairs placed around it.

She then looked at everyone present in the room with a cold and fixed look. She moved her fingers from where everybody was towards the table. All felt their feet leaving the ground and then with jet speed, their bodies flew in the air, and then they dropped on the chairs.

"Let's play a game," She said as she began to float around the table. "The rules are pretty simple. You can see there are five plates on the table with food in it. However, one of them is poisoned - just like Petunia tried to poison Hannah's food. In front of you, you can see five knives - one for each one of you. Now, you all must be knowing the 'knife roulette'. Place your one hand on the table, with fingers wide and knife in the other hand. When I say start, you will hit the knife on the table in between all your fingers turn by turn with its sharp tip facing down. The one who hits their fingers in the process is out and they have to eat from any one of the five plates. If you are lucky enough, you will survive, otherwise, Petunia's fate would be yours tonight. The game will end with any one of your death. And now to add a little twist, you all will do it closing your eyes - you will never know where and when the sharp blade of the knife will rip your flesh. This is the game of uncertainty and chances. So, in order to live, you must avoid cutting yourself and that too without seeing anything - follow your gut. And the more people are out, the more speed of the knife should increase." Hannah giggled. "Oh, and one more thing before it begins, don't try to cheat. Nah- ah." She nodded her head in no. "I hate when people try to outsmart or cross me. And now, " She paused giving a final look at everybody. She enjoyed it as she saw the faces of pure fear.

"Close your eyes and let the game begin,"

Gulping the knot of saliva and placing their shaking hands on the table with resistance, they picked up the knife in the other hand.

Everyone gave one final look at each other not knowing whether they will see each other again or not. If they would be together again after this moment or not. This was their final goodbyes.

Everyone closed their eyes. Taking a final breath, they raised the knife. It was a tense atmosphere with the sound of their heavy breaths and the ticking of the clock. With a pause in the air, they hit the table with the knife. When no one screamed, all took a breath of relief and lifted the knife again. By just imagining where their next finger could be, they hit the table again.

"Ahh," The sound of someone's screaming echoed and all heard the knife covered with a little amount of fresh blood being dropped on the floor. It was John.

"John, are you alright?" Rose asked with her eyes still closed.

"Yes, mom, I am." The knife cut the skin of his index finger close to his nail with the blood oozing out.

"You know the rule, John, select anyone. " Hannah said.

John moved his eyes from his wound to the plates on the table and picked up a fork. With his hands trembling with fear, he slowly picked the plate closest to him. Digging his fork in the noodles, he slowly brought it towards his mouth. With his heart racing, he opened his mouth and chewed the food before gulping it down. Few seconds passed by and nothing happened.

He let out a huge sigh of relief before Hannah said, "Congratulations, John, you survived. The rest of you, continue, a little faster!"

John kept sitting on his chair as he watched everyone closing their eyes and raising the knives. He closed his eyes every time he heard the sound of the knife's tip on the table. Slowly, the sound of the knife increased and John's heart started beating loud.

"Look, how cute and small you look in these pictures, John, " Hannah pointed at the family picture frames which were hung on the walls. Hannah paced around the room. "So, you guys go snorkeling and fishing too. How interesting," She said looking at a photograph with John and David standing on the beech, with David holding a huge fish and John with a fishing rod. "You call me heartless but look at the irony, you humans are doing the same thing! Killing poor animals who did nothing wrong with you." She turned around and saw the fish hooks in a pattern on the wall.

Suddenly, someone else screamed. It was her mother. "Mom!" John screamed.

"Don't worry, John," Rose said with calm composure, "It's alright."

He wetted his lips in nervousness as Rose took a bite out of another plate. She chewed the Manchurian balls reflecting panic and after a few moments, they both took a breath of life.

"Two down, three to go," Hannah smiled.

Petunia, David, and Emily closed their eyes again as the speed of the knife kept increasing.

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