62. The Discussions

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"So, what are we gonna do now?" David asked after Father Murphy had gone.

"Well," Rose began, "First things first-"

"To find out the person who can lift the spell?" John blurted out. Since the time Father had told them that the only way to break the spell is by a person who has the purest heart and who isn't selfish - in short, who is a total opposite of Diana, John couldn't focus or think about anything else. It was like his mind was completely consumed by the cloud of the warning which Father had given them that the spell will spread like an epidemic if they couldn't find the solution soon - slowly eating everyone out alive. And if they are any late, the people of their town would be dead. And if they still couldn't find the ultimate sacrifice, the entire place could be in danger. The mere thought of every single household and neighborhood slowly becoming a bazaar of the sleeping corpses was nerve-wracking and bone-chilling. The fate of everyone depended on their actions. They have to find something fast but no one knew where to even start.

"-no, son," Rose continued. "We couldn't deny the fact that that is the most important thing to do right now, but first of all we need to do something about Petunia's rotting body," Rose said covering her nose. The smell of the dead body was slowly spreading. The smell felt like a combination of thousands of dead rats left neglected for weeks and rotten eggs. The disgusting odor and the rotting human flesh could make anyone want to vomit.

David looked at the corpse and then quickly looked away. He couldn't bear to see his own sister like that. The sight of the mutilated body was sickening. On one hand, he was really very sorry and sympathetic that his sister didn't deserve such death but then he remembered how she didn't even think twice, how even after all that emotional apologies, she never meant any of that and how quick she was to send him to die - on purpose. But he can't change the fact that she was his sister by blood. And Rose was right that they had to do something about the rotting body.

"You're right, " David agreed with his wife. "I have the number of the funeral service which helped with my mom. I'll try to call them." He searched for his phone in his pocket. "Anyone has seen my phone?"

"It was in the family room the last time I saw it," Rose said.

David nodded and paced towards the room.

"Wouldn't any funeral director ask about what happened with Aunt Petunia?" Emily asked Rose. "I mean, it's not a normal way people die or it ain't a normal accident."

"I agree with her, mom," John said. "I mean we can't actually tell them what really happened with Aunt Petunia."

"We'll come up with something," Rose said. "But for now, it is really important to get rid of the mutilated corpse and the smell. It is a bad omen to keep a dead body in the house for long. Your dad and I will take care of the funeral while you and Emily think of a way to find that person who can break the spell." Saying this, Rose went towards the family room leaving John and Emily alone with the dead body in the room.

"Let's go to my room," John suggested. "It is getting awfully pungent in here."

Saying this, the two of them headed upstairs to discuss a plan.

Opening the door, "Ah, it's so good to come back. It's been so long," was the first thing which John said to which Emily giggled.

"So, where are we gonna start from?" John asked sitting on his bed with a jump. "I know for a fact that I am not that person. I mean I am a good child," John defended himself. "but I sometimes get a bit selfish or greedy as you know very well."

"I know," Emily said with a little laugh. "Remember my birthday last year? You bought me that designer and expensive dress - which I was having an eye for either way - but, you gave me that 'cause I know you were hoping to get some expensive gifts for your birthday. Weren't you?"

John giggled and bit his tongue.

"Anyway, since that crosses us two, do you know anyone who could be of our help?" Emily asked.

John stared out the window that showed a still neighborhood and then after a few seconds, he said, "Nope. I don't think anyone has that pure of a heart to counteract a heart so dark like an abyss."

"But, John, we have to start somewhere."

- - - - - - - - - - -

"David," Rose said walking towards her husband who just got off his phone. "What did they say?"

He put his phone in his pocket and looked at his wife. "It was Mr. Shaw. He said that they'll come in a few hours to take the body."

"David, I'm really getting worried about our daughter and really scared for the unknown that's waiting in the future," Rose said disheartened.

David embraced her in a hug and said, "I know, Rose, I'm worried too." He took a deep breath. "But our daughter is strong. She is our daughter. I know that she must be fighting deep within herself. We can just pray that the dark never overcomes the light within her. And John and Emily will definitely find a way to break the spell. The times are dark, but we have to stay strong. It is our weakness that feeds the devil and makes it stronger."

"I know it, David, but it breaks my heart to see our Hannah like that. It was the first time I saw her that way - her eyes were so dark, filled with so hatred and she looked like she was a walking corpse." She began sobbing.

David rubbed her back and said," Everything's gonna be alright, Rose. We have to stay strong - strong for our kids, strong for everything. We can't give in to the darkness." He said as they saw a shadow outside the window looming near another house a little far under the street lights.

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