59. Brother v/s Sister

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Within a few seconds, the clock struck 11:00 pm with a loud sound causing Emily to jump in fright. The distraction caused Emily to cut herself with the blade ripping her flesh. She picked up a spoon and after choosing between three plates, she chose the plate with a bowl of soup and ate it.

"Congratulations, Emily, you three survived the game. Now it's down between the brother and the sister! How lovely,"

David and Petunia looked at each other. This was it. Tonight any one of them would survive which meant the game would end with anyone of their death. They held each other's hand for one last time.

Petunia looked at Rose," I'm sorry, Rose. I never meant to hurt you or anyone in the family. I was stupid. I guess I was jealous whenever I look at your wonderful and loving family. All I had was Max - who wasn't a good husband. And after mom and Max died, I had only David. I needed him, I needed my brother but all he cared about was you and your children. I felt like a complete outsider. I felt unwanted." Petunia began sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Petunia," David said. "I didn't know you felt like that, neither of us knew. You never told us. We're really sorry to make you feel that way. You are our family too."

"That is your greatness, David. But that was no excuse to cover up what I had done. I feel so ashamed of my actions in the past." She looked at John and Rose. "Just know that I never should have done what I did. I'm really sorry." Her eyes began clouding up with tears. "I don't expect you all to forgive me, but I'm really sorry." Petunia looked at Hannah. "Hannah, hope you can hear me. I never wanted to poison you. I lost my daughter when she was five due to food poisoning and neither David nor Rose were there for me then and I thought that you guys didn't care - didn't care about my feelings or me or more importantly my dead daughter. I was filled with hate and jealousy that I never wanted David's family to stay happy when I was going through the pain. I wanted everyone to feel what I felt. I wanted everyone to know what losing your own child feels like. " Petunia paused to gather herself. " But when I saw your sweet and big eyes looking into mine and your little and cute face smiling at me and when you first called me aunt, I realized how wrong I had done. I regretted my mistake since that day. I'm really sorry." Petunia broke down crying.

"Are you done?" Hannah said in a cold tone - unaltered and unstirred. "Close your fake teary eyes and let's get back to the game. And do not cheat. I think I can trust you, humans, with at least this."

With the drops of tears falling on her hand, David and Petunia closed their eyes and began striking the table with the knife between their fingers. The speed of the knife started to increase slowly just like the speed of everyone's heartbeat.

Rose did not want to lose her husband. John did not want to lose his father forever. But they all knew that tonight would end in taking someone's life. Someone would depart from their life forever.

"Ouch," came the screams of David. The food he'll choose will decide on his life. With shaking hands and sweat dripping, David chose a plate and took a bite. As he continued to chew on the food, every single eye was on him. After a few seconds, all took a sigh of relief when nothing happened to him but suddenly Rose shrieked, "David!"

David began to twitch as the foam began to come out of his mouth.

"No, dad, no!!!" John cried and began to get up from his chair to get near his dad who was slowly dying in front of him.

"No one will leave their place!" Hannah yelled as she motioned her fingers causing John to fly back to his chair.

Rose, Emily, John, and Petunia cried as David fell on the floor and with foam still around his mouth, he lay on the floor - his body wasn't moving, he wasn't breathing.

"No!!!" Rose cried her eyes out seeing her lifeless husband lying dead on the floor.

"Like I said," Hannah said going closer to David's body. "Tonight will end with someone's death, but," she kneeled near the corpse and moved her hands over the body. "I told you all since the beginning," She placed her hand on David's heart. Within a few seconds, David coughed.

Everyone sat there confused. Did Diana suddenly have a change of her heart? Was she finally sparing them? Was she gonna leave them for good?

" - I told you that do not dare to cheat or try to cross me." She got up to face Petunia. With rage in her eyes, the chandelier began rattling and the table and chairs flew and smashed on the walls. Rose, Emily, and John quickly got up before the furniture got destroyed and ran towards David who was slowly gaining consciousness.

"So, Petunia, anything you wanna say?" Hannah began cornering her.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Petunia replied taking steps backward.

"Really? Do you think you could fool me? You really thought that I wasn't watching anyone even when I wasn't physically looking at you all? You didn't want to die so you played the game with your eyes open and threw your brother to death. You knew that if David got hurt before you, he'll choose a plate and you can figure out whether the last plate is poisonous or not. You still care about yourself that you didn't even care to throw your own brother under the bus. You can fool anyone here with your emotional speech about how sorry you are but I know that humans can never change. They never mean their redemption. " Hannah raised her eyebrow. "John, what do you do when you are out fishing and see a fish getting away from your boat? Like it is trying to escape after getting a sense that the people on the boat, will kill it?" She asked John with her stare still on Petunia as she continued to walk towards her.

With sobbing and trembling voice, John said," We would catch it with a fishing rod. "

"Correct!" She exclaimed as she raised her hand in the air.

"What are you gonna do?" A panicked Petunia asked. "I didn't do anything."

"You are such a liar!" She snapped her fingers as the fish hooks began flying from the wall towards Petunia.

In a blink of an eye, the sharp hooks pierced Petunia's eyes digging deep into her eyeballs and then came out of her forehead.

Ear-piercing screams that came out of everyone witnessing, echoed in the whole house.

The hooks flew up - still digging inside her eyes - taking Petunia's trembling body - just like a fish begging for its life taken out of water - with it. But the hooks couldn't hold the weight of Petunia's body anymore. The flesh and her eyes ripped and escaped from the grip of the hooks causing the corpse to fell down and hit the floor.

"That's what you get when you try to cross me."

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