42. Hannah

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"What are you talking about?" John squinted one eye and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"This isn't George, John. I don't know who it is but this isn't Nick's dad. We know that the stone fell on the floor before they left. So why did it tell us that it's in that drawer? And on top of that, it was empty." John got Hannah's attention. "I was having a bad feeling about this whole thing so I asked him if the weather was good, it said yes but in reality, it was a snowstorm during Christmas time when Nick and his dad stayed with a family in the town. If that doesn't convince you enough, don't you think that he would know about his son's friend? Probably his son's only friend? It denied knowing anything about Clyde. Let's get out of here!"

Hannah was about to get up when John said, "Now where will we find about the third piece? Or Diana?"

It was like the atmosphere suddenly got more chilling when he said the last words. The hairs on the back of their neck stood up not because of the coldness but because of a feeling - a feeling that someone was with them and it wasn't this so-called entity George. An empty void started to develop inside them which was filling in with fear, occupying the space inside the lungs instead of air. Suddenly, the glass of the windows broke with a shattering, ear-piercing sound and the curtains went wild. Hannah grabbed John's hand but then their gaze fell upon the Ouija board in front of them. Even though their hands were off of it, the planchette began to move. It was just like how one magnet at the bottom of the table would guide the top magnet but only this time, there was no magnet, nothing beneath the table or any kid or anyone playing with it.

Suddenly, the planchette gained speed. Hannah and John began to feel a little dizzy following the movement of the planchette with their eyes as it began to move in circles like crazy all over the board. It was too scary to stay any longer. They wanted to run but felt like a force was keeping them tied to the chairs like the negativity of the presence of something not good was building in the room which was weighing them down.

"What's going on, Hannah? It's like my body can't move!" John hyperventilated in fear and began breathing through his mouth.

The planchette was slowing beginning to form a shape from its motion. Seeing what it was making, Hannah fell back in her chair and shivered in fright, "It's - It's - Why is it forming an eight? We have said goodbye! I don't understand!" Hannah turned to John, "See? You shouldn't have lifted your fingers? I told you we shouldn't mess with it!"

The planchette still moved to form an eight and then it abruptly stopped. The sounds of their heavy breaths echoed in the room. Suddenly, the planchette moved to the letter nine and then slowly, it moved to eight...seven...six... -

"What's it doing?" John closed his eyes in fear, his head close to the floor.

-five... four... three...-

Hannah shrugged her tensed shoulders which were hardening up with the terror of what might happen when it would go down to zero.

- two...one -

Both of them were close enough to have a panic attack and faint.


The planchette flew and fell on the floor. The curtains that went wild, stopped. The chilling winds coming in full force through the window ended. It was all still again. When John felt that nothing frightening was happening, he slowly opened his eyes with only one thought in his mind- to run away as far as possible from this place. Or did he felt it too soon?

He opened his eyes which began to hurt a bit as he closed it too tightly and turned his head from facing the floor to facing Hannah.

"Hannah, let's get out of here."

But Hannah kept staring at the floor, motionless and lifeless.

"Hannah? Don't you scare me like that," John shook Hannah's arm. "Let's - AAAHHHHH!" He saw two glowing red eyes behind her sister. The flashlight from their phones began to flicker - as if it has gone haywire. With every flicker, the eyes began moving closer and closer to them. The flashlights went off and so did their phones leaving them in utter darkness except for the deadly red light. John screamed at the top of his lungs. He wanted to cry for help but who would listen to him? Who would come to their rescue? They were doomed. Whatever it was, it then suddenly jumped upon Hannah, opened its mouth wide - so wide that his full face got covered by its mouth feeling like a gigantic black hole that could swallow everything - and screamed a bone-chilling and ear piercing, non-human shriek.

John screamed and fell back on his chair. His head got hurt from the fall. He screamed in pain and put his one hand on the back of his head to check if he was bleeding. Even though there was no light source to see, the feeling of something warm and liquid-like was enough for him to know that he had injured himself. But that wasn't important right now at that moment. With an effort, he turned to his left side and got up keeping one hand on the floor and the other still on the back of his head. That thing with the red eyes somehow couldn't be seen anywhere near them but Hannah still kept staring at the floor. Maybe she was paralyzed with fear? He thought.

"Hannah?" He whispered as he approached her carefully.

But she didn't move.

"Hannah, stop it. You're scaring me."

Hannah slowly began to look up and said in a deep voice, "John,"

But something about her voice seemed off to him. It didn't sound like her.

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