The Kiss

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Daisy's POV: I woke up and I felt a huge hand behind me i turned and saw J.R stating at me and I wanted to kiss his face so badly but then I realized my pounding headache I drank a lot last night and I think me and J.R made out he mumbled "it's not good to stare" I blushed

and said "I wasn't staring...I was just sleeping" he did a low husky laugh and said "Daisy....oh shit" he quickly released me from his hold which made me fall to the hard wooden ground and he said "I have to go..." then with that he quickly left

I sighed and said "are you kidding me" I went upstairs and slowly opened Gordon's room I saw him cuddling with Tyler I smiled and said "goals...but eww" I slowly closed back his door and went to Liz's room

  I saw her cuddling with my mother I smiled and said "yes" and last but not least R.Js room she was cuddling with her future man "way too go" can you believe it I'm the only one who didn't cuddle for a long time because that stupid jerk had to leave me I sighed and decided

I would make wait wait I have my sister to check on I quickly went to her room and my sister be getting action are you kidding me I just ran downstairs and began cooking "I can't believe they are getting some action before me I mean come on"

I felt someone wrapped their arms around me and I quickly jumped it was J.R I said "I thought you left?" He smiled and said "nah...I was just playin with you" then he gave me a kiss on my cheek I blushed and said " are you gonna stand their or are you gonna help me?"

I raised my eyebrows at him and he did a soft chuckle and said "nah I rather watch you" I playfully rolled my eyes and said "well to bad for you....start making the eggs" he raised his hands to his forehead and said "I I captain"

I laughed at the spongebob reference we always use to do that and I said "I can't hear you" "I I CAPTAIN" we both looked at each other before bursting out laughing then I said "get back to work." After everything was done everyone came down all together I said "good morning" they all said it back in unison and I said "how was everyone's night?" Most of them were blushing and I laughed and said "wow....Y'all looked peaceful this morning" Gordon grumbled and said "You really need to stop coming in peoples rooms"

I only smiled and said "And you really need to stop letting your partner be so god damn loud" Tyler was blushing and I just patted myself on the back my

mother said "Whoa...umhh...Daisy so you and J.R weren't making out on the couch last night" I glared at my mom and said "were you spying on me mother?" "No but you just ratted on yourself" I groaned and Liz said "oh shoot...I have an early start today...thanks for breakfast"

with that she got up and quickly ran upstairs my mother said "same here" then dashed "can you believe it....Gordon and Tyler go upstairs let the teens talk" Gordon laughed and said "Alright alright but no funny business" after the adults and my little sister went upstairs I said "so R.j you had a good rest yesterday?"

She looked down and started blushing and she said "looks like you had a good night too....what happened after we went upstairs?" "Nothing" J.r and I said in unison R.J and Jason brushed out laughing and said "Sure"

I rolled my eyes but my smile said it all I sighed and said "well...looks like we weren't the only ones who enjoyed our night" I raised my eyebrows and R.j was crimson red she said "Yea...well we didn't do anything...just cuddled that's it"

J.R high-fived Jason and said "Go getum Jason" while we glared at the boys I slowly got up and said "well...looks like we need a plan" "what plan?" " get rid of some pesky people" her eyes widened and I just laughed and said "I'm joking...jheez roughy crowd" it was an awkward silence before I said "wait....I just realized we have been going to school" their eyes widened and J.R said "oh Mann....we are fuc*ed" "you got that right....what if we home school?"

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