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Daisy's pov: We woke up and quickly got out of the machine I saw some clothes so I said "everyone put these will make us blend in better than ever" they all agreed and to my surprise R.J did not fuss maybe she was in denial mode because we are still in my basement

I said "come on...let's go" walking upstairs I wasn't expecting a whole load of people I quickly pushed them all back in and I whispered "we have a problem....their are a lot of people up their I think this is the meeting"

they all gave me a confused look and I put my hands up and said "The meet....omg the damn meeting when Liz is going to soon be dead duhhhh" "oh the so call cult meeting"

I rolled my eyes at J.R and said "well if it is a so call cult then we better get out before we are the feast" "I agree" "let's stay guys...spy on them"

I looked at Jason and said "are you crazy....I'm not risking my life for a few details" Jason rolled his eyes and said "I don't even believe we time travel she might just be making this up guys...sorry but I'm outta hear"

I said "ok...but when they eat you don't come crying to me" then he opened the door and went R.J said "we can't just leave him-" She was cut off by a knock my eyes widened and I said "hide now"

omg this can't be happening oh no I'm going to die at a young age but on the bright side at least I'm going to die a virgin ahhhhhh the door slowly opened and the lights came on someone said "Hello?"

Like we were gonna answer soon the lights came off and the doors close someone said "No ones down their..." My eyes widened and I muttered "Liz....ok now I'm officially losing my mind"

I quickly ran over to R.J and J.R and said "guys...we have a slight problem...Liz is here and if she's here that means something bad is going down....we need to find Jason and quick...split up meet back here in 15 if he doesn't show we are leaving"

they nodded and I decided to take the back door and climb into my room it looked the same expect their were band posters every where gross really

I quickly went out the room and the hall looked really long I wonder how long it would take but that didn't bother me. Well he's not on this floor...back to the basement I go. When I got down their I said "Guys...guys?"

Nothing I heard laughter and I assumed it was coming from upstairs I sighed and said "well guess I should join the party" slowly taking deep breaths I opened the basement door and walked towards the living room

I saw everyone sitting having a good time then someone tapped me and I jumped but not to loud I turned and said "J.R what are you doing?...bringing drinks" "who are you ma'am?"

My eyes widened and I glanced behind me and thankfully no one was watching I said "J.R stop playing with me...we have to go now" J.R gave me a confused look then he said "you shouldn't be wearing clothes you are a maid...."

then he throws me a pair of maid clothes and walked away I quickly changed and decided to head to the kitchen what am I doing my feet are in control it's like I'm not Daisy but someone else, taking a tray full of wine i made my way into the living room

I wanted to keep my head up but some how I couldn't now everything was starting to get strange and not good this so the kind where you want to scream but can't once

I placed the tray in front of them me or not me looked someone in the eye and it was the green eyed nerd boy holy shit I or whoever quickly looked down and said "will that be all?..." " may go now" with one last bow the women quickly took off someone said "Elizabeth....learn some respect"

out of no where the man grabbed me by no grabbed Elizabeth by the hair and she was biting her lips to not scream all of a sudden I or Elizabeth blacked out.

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