|| Arc 1.9 ||

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||A/N: ThAnKs FoR rEaDiNg~ °+(*'∀`)b°+° ||


The night passes and Lucielle simply did not want to wake up, it wasn't until the System screeched, creating a new type of headache for Lucielle. Still shutting his eyelids closed, he ignored the agonizing sensation and turned his body into a more comfortable position. Not listening to the System that was on the verge of pushing and sending his host off the bed, shouted loudly and Lucielle felt like he just went deaf for a couple seconds.

[HoSt, WaKe uP! v(≧∇≦v)三(v≧∇≦)v ] the System shouted loudly and Lucielle shot his eyes open, staring at the ceiling with a unreadable expression. Giving up, Lucielle glanced to his right before making another move.

Slowly sitting up, Lucielle rubbed his eyes while the little white orb continued to nudge Lucielle towards the edge of the bed. Lucielle didn't mind the action but he was exhausted even though he had slept more than eight hours.

Finally getting up from his large and extravagant king sized bed, Lucielle sloppily left the bed a mess and carefully stepped towards the bathroom. The system discontinued it's annoying disturbance and observed his host prepare for his morning and washed his face from any filth. Taking a nice short cold shower, Lucielle cleaned himself up before changing in the uniform that was still on the ledge of the bed from the night before.

Looking over the uniform before wearing the pieces of clothing, Lucielle took part of his time to glance at the clock up above the bedroom door, staring at the numbers, Lucielle shut his eyes closed again due to the fact that his system woke him up one hour before his alarm went off. Sighing, instead of going back to bed, Lucielle took this opportunity to tidy himself up and ask some questions.

As Lucielle questioned his system for information, time has flied quickly in a blink of an eye, while Lucielle took in important parts of the events that will occur in a couple weeks, a knock can be heard from outside of the bedroom. Knocking a couple times, the person eventually stopped pounding on the door and entered, turning the door knob to meet the young man standing in place. All ready and tidied up, the servant was surprised by the neat appearance, she nearly forgot to greet her young master.

Bowing the top half of her body down, Lucielle lifted his head and ignored the girl and continued to brush off anything on his uniform even though one could simply say that there was nothing visible on the piece of clothing. Seeing that the young man hasn't muttered a single sound yet and didn't place any time to glance at her, the maid forcibly smiled and spoke in a mannered way.

"Young master, once you are done, please proceed to go downstairs to have some breakfast with your parents. " Forgetting that she was not in control and had some mild temper issues, the maid had to stop herself from being rash and shouting out what she isn't supposed to say.

Covering her mouth, Lucielle nodded and walked passed the servant, leaving her speechless and confused. Although her job is to help the man, the girl couldn't stop but helped to feel some irritation towards him and went to go follow behind him. Walking down the stair way, Lucielle place his hand a few inches away as he yawned, tired, he lazily but elegantly walked to the dinning room to meet his mother and father already eating their share.

Knowing the reason why they were up so early, Lucielle sat down in his seat next to his father and across from his mother. Eating the substance silently, the mother broke the quiet situation and began to question Lucielle, being the mother that she is, she endless asked her child multiple questions. Nodding and at the same time shaking his head, Lucielle listened to the woman across from him to ask yes or no questions, not finding the time to stop, Lucielle picked up his utensils to begin eating his breakfast. Containing a nice poached white egg accompanied with a couple of pancakes and bacon, Lucielle slowly devoured and carefully tasted each part of the dish.

Focused on the food, Lucielle remembered and revised the information from the discussion earlier with his system. Lucielle was fortunate as well as unfortunate due to the fact that Lucielle will encounter the female lead and the male lead during class since Lucielle found out that he was going to be transferred in the best and worst position of his life. Not sure if this should be celebrated silently in his mind, Lucielle took this information in a good way as he would be able to move his progress bar a little bit faster but he needed to be wise about his actions as one wrong settle decision could lead Lucielle into game-over.

Quietly tasting the poached egg, Lucielle glanced up at the clock, nodding his head, he quickly stuffed the egg in his mouth and got up to get prepared to leave. Grabbing onto his school bag, Lucielle took at least five minutes to pack in supplies he needed such as his tablet and pen, sparing no time to waste, Lucielle held his bag over his shoulder and hugged both of his parents before leaving straight out of the front doors. Seeing the smooth black car waiting in front of him, before Lucielle entered into the car, his system appeared out of no where and squealed like a fan girl. Hanging on onto the car, the system started rambling out random nonsense leading Lucielle into confusion. Wondering what all the fuss was about, Lucielle questioned the system as he entered the car to sit on the leather seats.

'System, why are you like this?' Lucielle questioned as the system quickly spoke, answering his question within mere milliseconds. Surprised that he even caught that sentence, Lucielle cocked up his eyebrow and questioned about the system's reason.

'Why are you so interested in this car? There's nothing special about it.'

[What do you mean there's nothing special about it? It is the Rolls Royce Phantom VI Host~ (人'∀`).☆.。.:*・°]

Confused, Lucielle only shrugged his shoulders and left his system to mentally face palm. Although Lucielle knew what the system meant, he was never the type to be really into moving vehicles such as cars or motorcycles for example. Ever since that 'first incident' in Lucielle's past life, he was mentally and physically traumatized from the accident but slowly healed over time but Lucielle could not forget the memory that scarred his brain, permanently ruining his normal life as a child.

Remembering the days in the past, Lucielle stared at the bright blue sky out of the window, and continued staring with a emotionless facial expression. The driver that was in the seat in front of Lucielle glanced and took a peek at the young man, seeing his blank and dark eyes, the driver retreated and didn't take another glance at the young man again. Shivering from those eyes, which concludes of a light blue color, the man driving the car felt pity as to why the young man behind him was in such a blank and still state. Crossing the thought from his mind, the driver minded his own business and continued to drive Lucielle towards the school through the multiple roads along.

The ride took a total of 5 minutes as the school wasn't far from Lucielle's home, but with his perspective with peace and silent staring at the sky above, personally, he felt like it took hours to reach the school. Arriving at their destination, the driver got out of the car first to pull open the door where Lucielle was located, seeing the gentle thin man exit, stepping out of the car, Lucielle waved the driver to go and started to walk through the tremendous large steel gates. Passing through the gates, Lucielle was surrounded by multiple students, all in the same white and black uniform, each person had their own type of aura, including Lucielle himself.

Excluding a gentle and soft aura, the student around felt comfortable toward the young man that they had never seen before. With his light blonde hair along with his pair of doe blue eyes, the majority of the people wondered who the youth was, looking innocent, they assumed that he was from somewhere else. Others had glanced at Lucielle when he wasn't looking, when all of the sudden he was suddenly stopped as Lucielle bumped into someone while trying to look around for assistance. Bumping into a female student who screeched right after the collision, Lucielle took a step back while attempting to keep his balance, looking up to see who he collided into, the system once again popped out of nowhere to warn his host.

[Host, be careful~ That is the female lead! ΣΣ(゚Д゚;) ]


||A/N: HoPe YoU LiKe tHiS ChApTeR~

SoRry, ThIs ChApTeR ToOk FoUr oR fIvE DaYs tO CoMpLeTe DuE To ScHoOl AnD hOmEwOrK~

So pLeAsE bE PaTiEnT iF tHe ChApTeRs TaKe ToO LoNg tO UpDaTe~ ||

‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚


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