[ Arc 2.1 ]

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I hope you lovelies enjoy the new arc chapter~!!!

- xoxoxo


Lucielle stayed silent as the system was in bewilderment as to what had happened, the system had no time to react to the actions of the female lead which has caused Lucielle's death, leaving Xavier's body lifeless and twisted in many parts. With the disastrous mishap and unfortunate death, Lucielle was sincerely amused with the creativity and stupidity from what had occurred before his demise. As Lucielle was within the white space, the system came forward to reveal some knowledge beyond the death of what others' knew as Xavier Prim within that fictional yet functioning world.

[ Well Host, that was quite unfortunate and I understand that you may feel this way but... ] the system started to say.

'But what Ace?' Lucielle curiously questioned, whom still was slightly quivering remembering how his body slammed onto the multiple railings while falling to his death down the stairwell of the building. He did not understand the utter thought process of the female lead, he knew the female lead wasn't one of those who will do anything stupid yet he was sought out of his answer when the system told him the news.

[ Host, you have successfully completed 1 out of the 2 missions. Thankfully it was the main mission, if it weren't the main mission but rather the extra mission, you would've been sent to one of the punishment worlds. ] the system said with relief as it did not want to go into the punishment world, knowing how bad the worlds are, Lucielle questioned the system.

'May I know what happened directly after the incident Ace?'

[ Of course Host! I will briefly state what has occurred after your death, or rather Xavier's death. ('꒳'∗)]

After the system replied gleefully, Lucielle was eventually met with a bright slightly transparent screen with bold yet readable characters which had explained the events after the incident.

|| After the death of Xavier Prim, the female lead, Clara Lawfield tried to escape of what she had done by spouting countless lies of being assaulted by Xavier. Clara had fooled many with her silly act and defended herself against the first male lead, Chris Landon, who did not believe Clara due to the suspicion of shady acts behind the walls. The virus that had been implanted within the phone of the first male lead has caused many files to be corrupted and spread upon the public eye of the internet; revealing his plans which many had collected for their own thought of being successful in the business industry. This led the male lead to think the cause of this was from Clara as she was the only one who had been in touch of his phone before Xavier had applied to the school. Clara Lawfield had denied doing anything of the such but was met with the evidence of the cameras in the stairwell, provided by Eros Landon; the second male lead, he exposed her of her wrong doings upon the school newspaper. In the end, Clara Lawfield will be in jail for a long sentence with no parole as many agents are still looking through her background for any other information. ]

Reading through the imprinted information in front of his eyes, Lucielle sighed before saying; 'You said you would briefly state it Ace but all I see is a long paragraph'.

[ Well, that was a lie. (✿' ꒳ ' ) ] the system laughed as the noise echoed through the white room which made Lucielle create a distasteful expression toward the flying orb.

[ Although Host has not completed the extra mission, you will receive 2,000 e-points for completing the main mission. In total, Host has 11,000 e-points.]

Remembering the system of e-points depending on the world difficulty, Lucielle couldn't help but wonder what the level of the world he was in for the last couple of years. Being cooped within a hospital of most of his mission, Lucielle couldn't get over the fact that he died on the first day of Sakura Joy Academy.

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