[ Arc 1.17 ]

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[ Okay, I've been reading back upon the arcs to what the tarnation I have created back in 2018 and 2019, I can clearly see what style I wrote in and I know why this has stressed me out back then. I might have to change how long I write these chapters for due to the 1700 word require mark I did. I desired to be really detailed and creative with typing every aspect in the story but perhaps it might not be the best for some viewers who can't apprehend what I have wrote. I know some of you are out there denying this, don't worry. I know some can't understand completely; even now when I read back I was like - 'what was I trying to explain and describe in this part?'.

I know this was a lot for a note but I am just being honest, it has been a long time so do not criticize me if I end if making minor errors such as character appearance and stuff but I know I placed this upon thyself. ]

~ Duchess X


As Lucielle quietly smirked upon the knowledge that the system has acquired him to, he slowly thought to himself; 'dear Chris doesn't even know what is coming his way, the coworker labeled as John was just a mere guess'. The male lead had a peak of interest if whatever plans his coworker had mentioned as his business has yet to reveal it's potential had shown the building process to enable further instructions.

The man had not once had a single thought that this message was a gateway into a virus, eventually gauging and gaining every single data piece within his mobile phone, hacking away his information into the system whom was gently floating around near Lucielle, not aware to the host's smug appearance.

[ Host~ may you explain why you wanted me to plant that small virus into the male lead's phone?] the system innocently questioned the pale blonde youth although still intimidated and afraid that Lucielle might snap back such as earlier but received nothing but 'You don't need to worry my lovely pet~'.

Hearing the forbidden label once again, the shining ball suddenly made a quiet hiss toward the man, displaying signs of disapproval and dread of betrayal. Lucielle pretended to not hear the cry of the floating system, which led the machine to curse the host within it's feeble mind as the youth continued to twirl around the pen, perfectly aligning with his thinking process for both the male lead and female lead's demise.

All that knowledge being sucked and obtained by the virus has been linked with the system, causing the floating orb to slightly glitch out of place; with the system having no clue with what the host is planning, it continues it's rant within it's mind, still cursing Lucielle on the spot.

Lucielle gently placed his head down on his slim pale arm, looking in one direction then soon began to notice that the male lead had been glancing at him from time to time. Tilting his head to one side, Lucielle turned the other way avoiding the stares that came from the male lead, he did not want to meet with such disgusting stares, Lucielle knew of the first male lead's true character the moment he read about him in the dialogue before the mission started.

The youth felt merely stunned that Chris Landon was gazing upon him, feeling shivers down his spine, Lucielle went ahead and questioned the system who discontinued his rant to answer the host with an attitude.

'Could you tell me what the first male lead is thinking about?'

[...Why should I?]

'...' Lucielle was puzzled at the question and responded as his aura suddenly switched from being too pressuring, into a gentle and relaxing mood.

'Hey...Why are you acting this way?'

[ Oh I don't know, why am I?]

'Please answer my questions.'

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