[ Arc 2.3 ]

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[ A/N ] - I hope you lovelies enjoy this interesting chapter hehe.


As Lucielle was suffering due to the lack of breakfast within the morning, the boy next to him continued to speculate the differences of the little boy knew prior to the current day; feeling uneasy, Eros decided to stick to him a bit more to gather more information before making any types of actions.

Time passed since Lucielle as heard from the system, Ace, wondering where it could be, Lucielle felt starved and laying upon the rusty bed he was accounted, Lucielle thought it would be a good time to figure out what actions should be held next. Remembering the missions from earlier, Lucielle desired to finish them more carefully than the last world. Thinking prior to what had happened last time when Lucielle wasn't so careful, it made him feel explicit rage within his joints and eyes from the nearly failed mission attempt. Lucielle got up from the bed he was in and felt a pair of eyes staring upon him, knowing who it was, he turned to the boy sitting in front of him, in a separate medium height wooden chair.

Glaring into the memorable sharp golden eyes, Lucielle thought this couldn't be a coincidence as not many are not born with such a rare and beautiful pair of eyes. Lucielle turned away only to stare at him again, feeling a bit empty and awkward, it was only then that he glanced the third time did he notice his red flaming bright hair.

This detail got Lucielle off guard, he thought he would notice something as bright as that hair color from the start but first thing he noticed was his eyes. Lucielle assumed his hair would be blond but once again why should it be blond, this is another world he thought. Gazing for who knows how long, the boy started to be friendly again and spoke to Lucielle with a tone which made Lucielle feel a bit off.

"Angel..." Eros began to say before hopping off the chair to slowly walk to Lucielle and got up on the bed sitting next to him.

Holding his hand out to put Lucielle's now honey brown golden hair around his small ear, Eros proceeded to continue his sentence; "you look so lovely...". This made Lucielle begin to feel a bit conflicted and confused by the behavior as his tone seems to be completely off but his thoughts were cut off as Eros questioned him soon after. "But you look sick. Angel, should I bring you to the nurse?"

Lucielle didn't know how to feel but he knew he should be honest to the boy as there is no harm to saying the truth with a little kid.

"No but thank you. I am just hungry." Lucielle signed.

"Well, you could of ate the breakfast we had Angel." Eros confronted with this fact as Lucielle gritted his teeth on remembering how dense and plain the bread was with the unfiltered water.

"But it didn't look or taste good." he signed while Lucielle stuck his little tongue out to display that the food was absolute garbage.

"Picky aren't you, my little Angel." Eros quietly said but Lucielle already heard it all with his good sense of hearing. Lucielle proceeded to scoot a couple inches away from Eros as he heard what he had said, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the way he said it.

The moment this had all gone down, Lucielle noticed someone walking down the hallway through the opened door of his room, as the person went by, Lucielle knew who it was and so did Eros.

Lucielle did not notice the murderous gaze Eros had while he smiled but quickly went to being a polite kid once Lucielle turned to him. Lucielle did not want to lose this chance and decided it would be better if he went along with someone. As Lucielle stared at Eros for a bit, he caught this up quick a bit too quickly.

"Do you want to see Sister Lily?" Eros questioned which was immediately responded with a cute little head nod to indicate that Lucielle did indeed want to go to see the nun.

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