[ Arc 2.16 ]

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"Ah..." Mary trembled a bit along with a forced smile that could easily break away if there was a slight breeze, embarrassed with how she had been entered, Mary turned to the crowd to the right and slowly went down the marbled stairs.




Gripping upon her grand and elegant dress, she kept twitching as she was not stable enough just after that little argument with Sebastian, the butler whom disappeared off without any warning. Just as she took her first steps onto the glazed tiled floor of the ballroom, Mary glanced at the musicians and waited for them to lighten up the mood in which they did under her satisfaction.

Viewing the crowd step back whenever Mary passed through, she knew she could redeem her appearance and reputation at some point if she were able to get the Empress of the other region upon her side. Waiting for an opportunity, Mary had other plans waiting while she keeps up with her friendly act.


While Mary began to host the party without her father, somewhere else, Lucielle ended up going toward the garden area of the palace outside due to intense headaches that made him nearly faint. Feeling his head become more warm, Lucielle raised his arm to his forehead and clasp upon a railing nearby the stairs to catch himself from falling. Knowing he should go back inside, Lucielle noticed another area to where he could relax upon.

With the white porcelain bench with beautiful large white gates around it, Lucielle decided in that moment to come toward the bench and bended down to sit on the cold seat. Leaning his head back, Lucielle felt instant relief from the coldness of the bench touching the back of his neck. As though time barely passed, Lucielle felt a tap on his shoulder.

Alarming him, Lucielle shot his eyes open to see a unfamiliar man. Dressed with the hue of cream red from top to bottom, what caught his attention the most was his gleaming hazel eyes. Pools of honey within the eye, Lucielle noticed a slight discomfort in himself.

"Mind if I sit here my lady?" he shot a blunt question toward Lucielle, whom wasn't sure as to why such a man were to approach him.

However, there was no harm in accepting doing so, Lucielle couldn't detect any type of hostility from him, resulting him to nod his head to the gentleman. Even if he felt a bit of discomfort, Lucielle believed it was the effect of the corset he was wearing, wanting to slouch upon the bench, he shifted his gaze up toward the sky.

When was the last time he saw the sky like this? Lucielle questioned beyond himself, still in shock of how his eye sight was recovered, he knew it was a miracle despite knowing he'll be able to see after living out this world.

There was a pause. Slow steady breathing as Lucielle stayed quiet on the spot.

He knew, that this cycle will continue over and over. However, he quite enjoyed the lifestyle he was living at the moment. Lucielle gazed as his eyes began to water while watching the beautiful tranquil sky bloom with colorful hues. After realizing what had happened, Lucielle stopped himself and wiped his eyes with his handkerchief. With his mind slowly going blank, he knew what was going to happen. He'll have to repeat the process again, common every day things are swallowing him up and he becomes a different person when it passes by.

'Take a hold of yourself. That's all in the past...' Lucielle sighed and forced his mind to be awake from falling within the dark pit but was soon interrupted by the man next to him.

"I apologize to bother you like this, however..." he spoke with eye contact.

'...' Lucielle gazed with his attention toward the man as he felt something curl up within his stomach. He felt it squeeze and twist, Lucielle was not sure of what he was feeling within him, however he just knew...Something was wrong.

"The sky will be dazzling tonight I presume..." the man continued and abruptly stopped there. Seemingly to sound quite dramatic, what he said next created this strained tension.

"But...Unfortunately for you. You won't be able to see it tonight."




'Excuse...me?' Lucielle froze and felt his whole body flush cold.

Before Lucielle was able to comprehend what were to happen next, he felt a presence behind the pair from the bench coming up to him. Feeling a hot breath of air being huffed behind his shoulders.

Lucielle felt himself shiver as he was no longer able to see. His nose felt rough against the material as a brown sack bag was forced onto his head and tied at the bottom with a light string.

"Take her away, make sure the chamber his highness has requested for is all ready and presentable for the lady."

'Who?' Lucielle began circling his thoughts around his head whilst a headache occurred and throbbed. Winching in pain, Lucielle began to attack the person who was holding him with his nails, gripping onto their neck, he made sure to make deep scored marks on their back but nothing he did made them react. It was strange, Lucielle felt trapped, once again in a situation which may lead him to inevitable death, he drooped his head down low and decided to lose a piece of ribbon. At this point, Lucielle made sure to make some marks onto the ground as he was taken away by three men frustrated knowing that his system is floating out somewhere with little clue of where he was.


The ballroom was quite lively as of these few moments, however Eros arrived fully dressed without the cloak he had worn earlier, his outfit seemingly did not stand out yet it did amongst the other men. Wearing a dagger along his waist line, Eros entered to the ballroom to a crowd full of noble ladies and men. Knights were along all across the borders of the ballroom but, Eros noticed something rather strange; he couldn't see any sign of the one he told to wait for him. Eros shook his head, he was sure he was within this ballroom, possibly enjoying the sweets of this kingdom, or so he thought.

Eros stood for a second, until he recognized a similar figure head toward him from behind, figuring it was Lucielle or Angel, he turned around with a sweet grin only to frown a bit when he realized it was someone else.

"Why sir Adonis, I see that you are alone, the music has already started and I haven't been able to capture a good partner...Do you mind?" Mary giggled sweetly, grinning happily at the man before looking around her.

"Oh my, I wonder where your fiancé wanders, what was her name, I can't remember if you mentioned it or not." Mary tilted her head with a curious facial expression, Eros instantly responded.

"It's Angel. I'm looking for my beloved. I apologize but I must go." Eros bowed in front of the princess in a polite manner then turned away leaving Mary to awkwardly stand by herself when eyes were all on her. Embarrassed, Mary turned into a peachy red and walked off as several men came forward to ask her to dance, in which she refused and wondered why she wasn't able to enchant that one man.

Eros felt an empty pit within his heart, his smile turned back into a regular thin line as he felt worried. He was starting to have a bit of a mind attack, beginning to over think just until he reached outside and sat upon a porcelain bench. Releasing out a sigh, Eros laid back and felt the wind brush his red fiery hair against his skin, which has became a bit tan from all the time he spent outside.

Sitting up and drooping his head down, Eros spotted something. He knew exactly what it was and perhaps he was overthinking it, however he immediately reached over to the piece of fabric onto the floor and analyzed it. Observing the item, Eros noticed another piece of ribbon from afar. Gripping onto the ribbon, Eros followed the ribbon trail like a lost rabbit within the woods, wandering but not sure of where they head.

'Angel, I'll make sure I'll find you if you made this trail." Eros determined and quickly followed as the clock within the palace soon to strike near midnight.


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