4. The Answer

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"Are you okay with our marriage?" This was Mansi's first question. Amit was taken aback but he had expected this after yesterdays fiasco. "Yes," Amit replied and continued, "What about you?"

Mansi looked at Amit and sighed, obviously she was okay, she has to be okay because she didn't really have a choice now. "Yes. Do you believe in arranged marriages?" Amit was again surprised but was quick to answer, "I do. You?"

"Yes, I do too." Mansi smiled at Amit. "What game or movie universe would you like to live in?" Amit chuckled at this. Mansi was really unpredictable but she was also really cute. "Harry Potter! Always." Mansi squealed at hearing this, "Me too !!" Amit chuckled again and continued the game, "What do you wish you knew more about?"

Mansi blushed, "You. What is your most prized possession?" She quickly asked her question before Amit could register or comment on her answer. "My car. What's the best single day on the calendar?"

"Birthdays! What are you looking forward to in the next 5 years? Mansi shot back. She didn't think it would turn out to be this much fun. "Seeing how my marriage turns out. What's something that you've been meaning to try but haven't got around to it?"

"Snorkeling. What's the best way a person can spend their time?" Mansi asked. " Reading a book. Where would you spend all your time if you could?"

"Someplace calm, probably by the sea. What are you absolutely determined to do?" Before Amit could answer this, his phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and sighed, "I've got to take this, it's mom!"

Amit got up and went outside to answer the call. Meanwhile, their orders arrived but Mansi patiently waited for Amit to get back. It was getting late. Amit came back and apologized but both of them knew that the atmosphere had changed and none suggested to continue the game. They had fun but now they sat in silence finishing their meals.

Once inside the car, Mansi was restless to bring up something that had been nagging her since yesterday. Deciding upon saying it rather than keeping it inside, she started "Amit, about what you said yesterday I want to say that I completely understand where you are coming from. I just want you to know that I'm happy knowing that I'm getting an ambitious partner because I too want to work and become independent but the thing is I'm too attached to my roots and as important as doing good in my career is for me, I will be equally invested in trying to have a good family. It's going to be hard but I'm willing to try to maintain this balance but again I cannot do it alone and I would need your full support. If you are willing to try your one hundred per cent then I don't have a problem with whatever you said yesterday."

By this time, they had reached Mansi's college. Mansi opened the door of the car and got out. As she turned to say bye to Amit, she was surprised to see him grinning from ear to ear. This was enough for Mansi to understand that Amit was going to try to be as invested in the marriage as her.

As Mansi entered the gates of her college, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch break. She couldn't help but smile as she entered the class and Swati was quick to notice it. She came and sat with her and realization dawned upon Mansi that her friends still knew neither about the marriage nor about where she was during lunch. Mansi decided to speak up before Swati did, "I have a big news to share with you guys. Can we go somewhere? Big Yellow Door? It's on me." Swati grinned and replied with an enthusiastic 'yes'.

Swati had already texted everyone about the plan and as soon as the last lecture got over, she dragged Mansi to her car. Everyone else was already there and soon they were off. Everyone kept on asking Mansi what the news was but she just had a coy smile on her face which made everyone all the more restless. Once settled at the restaurant, Mansi started, "So while everyone else was having the time of their lives during the long weekend, my family had some different plans for me!" She paused, letting the suspense build. Mansi was enjoying every moment of it.

"Guys," Mansi said and took a deep breath giving a dramatic pause, "I'm getting married!"

There was absolute silence around Mansi. Everyone was taken aback. Not that they were not happy for her but this was just too sudden. They haven't even graduated yet.

Swati was the first to speak up, "What the fuck! Why didn't you say anything earlier? Who is the guy? What... How... Give us the full details !"

Mansi smiled and started from the beginning. She told them everything but tactfully excluded yesterday's conversation. After she was done, everyone hugged and congratulated her. Each had their own set of questions and doubts but Mansi answered each one of them with patience. Once everyone was satisfied, Swati dropped everyone to their homes.

The moment Mansi entered her house, her mother came running towards her and dragged her to the living room where a huge pile of boxes was kept wrapped in gift wrappers. She looked around confused and it was her dad who came to her rescue, "This has come from Amit's parents for you. It has your wedding dress too beta. The date for the wedding has been fixed for next week."



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