17. The Actual Date

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As Amit sat waiting for Mansi to arrive, a million thoughts ran through his head. He was actually really nervous and the reason was not that he was afraid to apologize but because he was not sure if Mansi would forgive him. He knew that he was wrong and he should have treated her better. The time that they spent together while working on the proposal for his client made him realize that he was in love with her. That day when he wanted to dine with Mansi alone but couldn't because two of his colleagues accompanied him, he wasn't sure. He knew that he loved her but he wasn't sure if how to go about it.

The time they spent working together on the project made Amit see how caring she is. He saw her innocence, her determination, her managerial streak and especially her love for him. Even after being constantly ignored by Amit, she kept her promise and stood by him all throughout the process. The saying that goes like 'There is a woman behind the success of everyman,' was true. For Amit it was Mansi.

Amit was hoping and praying for Mansi to forgive him and start afresh. These past few days have made Amit realise that he cannot survive without Mansi and her constant bantering. He has grown accustomed to her and them not talking did not feel natural to him at all. It was physically painful and mentally disturbing. Amit knew he had to get his ducks in a row or he might lose her forever and that is something that motivated him to ask her out.

Yesterday, when Amit apologized and Mansi told that even she was upset about them not taking made Amit admire her humbleness. There is a saying among Indians that goes like, 'You must have donated diamonds in your previous life to get a guy/girl like him/her' and Amit could truly appreciate this yesterday. He swore to himself to be the best version of him and treat her right from then on. Amit wanted to make Mansi his Queen, his life-partner in the true sense.

Amit was ready to beg Mansi to come today if she would have said no but Mansi said yes and Amit had never been as relieved as he was after seeing her reply. He was ready to go to any extent to make Mansi fall in love with him and to apologize for being an absolute brat.

Mansi was led to the deck where she saw Amit sitting all by his lonesome and walked towards him. As Amit looked at Mansi walking towards him, he actually felt that time had slowed down and the world around them ceased to exist. Her cotton saree clung to her figure in the soft breeze and her hair framed her soft features perfectly. He stood up to greet her and handed her the flowers that he had picked out for her. Mansi blushed and Amit was pleased to see the pink tint that was developing on her cheeks.

They had a lovely evening with red wine and all of Mansi's favourite dishes and made small talk throughout dinner. As the waiter came to ask if they wanted dessert, Amit winked at Mansi and just asked the waiter to get the bill. They left after paying the bill and instead of heading home, they headed towards a shopping complex that was near their house. There, Amit led Mansi to Giani's which was Mansi's favourite ice-cream shop and had her favourite Belgium Chocolate fudge. Later, they watched a chick-flick move at home and called it a day.

Tonight, they embraced each other in complete consciousness rather than waking up and realizing that they were entangled together in each other's arms.



Was not planning to update today but you guys have been so supportive and good so here is a little New Year present for you all lovelies !!


guys, the story is coming to an end. There will probably be two or three more chapters and if you people would want then an epilogue after that. Thank you for the love and support that everyone has shown to this story and I will soon start working on a new project.

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