Chapter 1

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The plane ride is over and I am now waiting to get my luggage but I am a small 5 foot 4 inches and people just keep pushing me out of the way and there is no way I will ever get my stuff. that is until a tall man with light brown curling hair yells " Hey would you stop being so rude and let this girl here get her luggage she has been waiting for about half an hour and you rude people just keep pushing her out of the way!" everyone looks at me and the tall gentleman beside me I gaze up to the boy ,and he is smiling and looking at me and everyone moves out of the way so I have a straight line to my luggage. I get my stuff and walk back but, when I am about to thank the boy for helping me he is gone. So I rush back to my grandparents and we are again on the road heading to their house but all that is running through me mind is who was that boy with the brown curl hair and cat like green eyes? We finally arrive at their house it was about an hour drive from the airport and all I could do was think about the boy that helped me so I decided to ask my grandma of she know him? " um.. hey grandma can I ask you a question?" " sure sweet heart what do you need? " she said with a happy smile on her face " well I wanted to know if you knew that boy that helped me at the airport? " I say with a shy smile " the tall boy with green eyes and brown curly hair?" she questioned and I was surprised she knew what color of eyes he had so you must know him! " Yes him do you know him?" I say loudly " yes dear I know him but there is no need to holler." she chuckles " oh sorry grandma but what can you tell me about that mysterious boy?" I wiggle my eyebrows which gets a laugh out of her but as fast as the laugh came it was gone and she had a serious look on her face as she stares into my eyes. " you must promise me that if I tell you about the young boy you must stay away from him!" she said with the most cold look on her face ever "yes ma'am but what is so bad about him?" I questioned she shook her head and said " you must promise me amy it is for your own good!" she said this time but with a more of a motherly tone I nodded my head and looked at her waiting for her to explain why this boy was such a big deal? " Ok.... his name is harry styles and he lives down the road and he goes to your new school but I have heard this about this boy that you don't need in your life so I want you to stay far away from that boy you hear me." " but he didn't seem like a bad guy at the air port I bet that they are just rumors about him." i say shyly "NO you must stay away from that boy you hear me stay away from him!" and with that she stormed out of the kitchen and I was left to my self to think about what she just told me. Why would he be a bad kid if he helped me,but maybe that is how he gets girls, so the best thing to do is listen to grandma and stay away from the mysterious curly headed boy named harry styles.

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