Chapter 7

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Riley and I walked to our next class and talking about what happened between me and harry and of course Riley is asking how I get all the hot boys. " I really don't even try to get them harry just kind of shoved his way into my life you could say." I told her " well I guess I just need to take over your body because I have been trying to get harry styles for years." she said " that is kinda of weird I wouldn't say that." I giggled while walking away from our lockers. " oh what you giggling at sweetheart?" I knew that voice but it wasn't Harry's.

I turned around to be faced with icy blue eyes "Jason, what d.... do you want?" I stammered "you know what I want." he said and started to get closer to me "I think you should leave harry wouldn't like you next to his new girlfriend!" Riley shouted at him trying to be brave " oh really when did you start dating?" he asked while staring straight in my eyes " yesterday when you tried to slap me in front of him." I try to say with the most strong voice I can do " babe don't frown you will get wrinkles." he said while reaching for my face. I slapped his hand away " how dare you slap me!" he bellowed

"I think you might want to leave these ladies alone and go about your Business before you get more than a little slap!" a growl like voice said from behind Jason but I couldn't see the person that the voice belonged to over Jason's shoulders. " and who the fuck do you think you are talking to!" Jason said while looking at me and Riley. " I think I am talking to the dick in front of me messing with my girlfriend and her friend!" the voice said that's when I realized the voice belonged to harry and that was the last thing that was said before I was pushed up against the locker with a rough hand around my neck. I yelped at the contact then realized what was going on when Jason found out it was harry he started to choke me and I was so much weaker then Jason so there was no way I could get out of this. Harry then jumped on Jason's back and put him in a headlock to try and get him off of me I felt my head start to get lightheaded and I looked at harry and that's when Jason finally let go and fell to his knees and Jason was way bigger than harry so I was surprised when harry knocked him out with a sleeper hold.

I feel to the ground and started to cough when I felt two strong arms wrap around my legs and upper body ad I was lifted off the ground. " babe are you ok please tell me you are ok I should have gotten in between you two god I am so stupid!" Harry said with a sad look on his face " harry I am fine and you did help me if you weren't there I would have passed out and I can't believe no one else helped you like Riley or someone?" I said confused " um Amy Riley wasn't there." harry says while looking down at me. " yes she was you saw her and told him to step away from "these ladies " I was talking to her by my locker!" I sort of yell at him.

" No babe you were walkin down the hallway in the middle of class and Jason was following you and I walked out the bathroom wondering why you were out of class you never leave class, that's when you walked into one of the classrooms that we never use and he followed and I got so mad because I thought you were hooking up with him so I walked in and saw him choking you and got him off you." harry explained to me but then why did i think Riley was with me and we just got out of class and were stopping at my locker. " harry I don't remember where I was or why I was there all I remember is Jason talking to me and then choking me!" I exclaim and I started to freak out but harry claimed me then said " I am taking you the hospital to figure out what is going on with you!"

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