Chapter 8

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Harry puts me in his car and he jogs in front I the car and crawls in the driver side seat. " harry why can't I remember anything that just happened and I feel loopy." I mumble " hey hey stay up down go to sleep!" he says rather loud " I can't I am just really tried." I yawn and then all I remember is falling into a deep sleep.

What feels like a couple of minutes later I wake up in a hospital bed with a needle in my arm. I look around and see harry sitting next to me watching the television. " Harry what's happening to me." I say with a raspy voice and I think I scare him. " oh hey you are awake how are you feeling?" he questions with a sweet and almost caring voice. " um fine but what happened?" I ask him again. he looks around the room then looks right into my eyes. " do you remember drinking anything that taste funny or that you normal don't drink?" he asked and I look down at my lap and try to think of things I have drank today. " um well today at lunch I had a Pepsi and it tasted sort of like chemicals." I said but then I get the most confused look from harry. "um Amy you have been out for three days." he told me but how can that be I just fell asleep and my grandma she must be so worried. " WHAT ARE YOU FOR REAL!" I yell and start to freak just thinking about all the school and assignments I have messed. " hey hey it is ok your grandma is here she just left to go get you something to eat invade you wake up and look you did and you seem fine by all the yelling and stuff you are doing." he chuckles but I don't find any of this funny and that's when it come to my mind ' harry what has any of this have to do with what I drank!" I asked very confusingly "oh um well the doctor thinks that someone put something in your drink to make you see things and not have any control of your body." he said with a sad face " What you mean like a drug omg I was drugged!" I yell " yes but you are fine and the police have been sent to the school to look for any type of drugs that have that effect and guess who had it." he said with a disgusted tone " umm let me guess fucking Jason!" I say and harry nods " ugh that fucking piece of shit why would he do that!" I yell but harry just looks at me and smiles. " Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked and he just shrugged and that is when my grandmother came in with an surprised look on her face " OH thank god that you are ok I was so worried that you would leave me here alone I am just so happy you are ok!" she said while running starlight towards me with a salad in her hands and grabs me in a hug.

" Oh thanks gram but I am fine and they found out what happened and who did it." I told her but she looks at harry like he had told one of her most prized secrets. " yes gram harry told me but it is ok I hate him!" I say with a small smile on my face but gram doesn't return one. "umm hey gram are you ok you look like you are going to be sick do you need to sit down?" I ask but only get a quick nod from her and she turns away from me and cries softly " hey gram it is fine I am fine ask harry I am ok."

I say trying to calm her Down and I try to stand up to comfort her but harry holds me down and takes her out of the room and I am so confused on why she was so upset yeah I was out for three days but I am fine. I heard a knock at the door and I tell the person to come in and a young pretty women walks in with a smile on her face " oh I see you are awake good so you can help me." she says with a happy almost fake tone. " um help you with what? " I ask " oh silly me with your legs of course!" she says and that is when I notice that I couldn't feel my legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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