Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6:30 this morning and all I can think about is the kiss that me and harry shared. But also what my grandmother said about him he doesn't seem like a bad dude I really think people don't see him the way I do. I got dressed I to a cotton candy pink dress with pink vans and I left my hair in its natural waves. I grabbed my bag and hurried to my grandmothers car and left for school.

I walked into the doors and found one of my friends Riley that was waiting by my locker I said hello and she looked at me weird " why are you looking at me like that?" I asked "well I fou...." "oh there you are!" a deep raspy voice said I felt hands around my waist so I turned around in the boys grasp and there he was messy curly brown hair and those cat like green eyes. why does he have this control over me, " oh hey harry." I say and try to wiggle out of his grasp but he only tightened it I look at him and he has his famous sexy smirk. " harry let me go" I whispered and looked at him. "why do you not want me this close?" he whispered in my ear his breathe gave me chills. he pulled away and kissed me on the cheek and left me with Riley.

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT AMY!!!" she yelped I blushed at the thought she saw me and harry like that. " um.. we kind of kissed yesterday and now I think I am feeling something for him Riley." " no way you are falling for the schools bad boy!" she squealed " yes Riley calm down it was just a kiss." I say calmly and to not let her see my redding face. " what ever am I see it all over your face you like him." she said " ok I do like him ok but please don't tell anyone." "I don't think you have to worry about that I think the whole school just saw him kiss your cheek!" she said and before I knew it I was getting dirty looks from all the girls around school.

I was getting dirty looks from girls I didn't even know until lunch time when I say down next to Riley and we were talking about how annoying teachers when I feel a pair of hands latch around my waist I look up to see harry smiling down to me "Hey " he said in the deepest voice I have ever heard it could make a girl blush just by hearing it " oh um hey " I say nervously and I glance over to Riley a she had a smirk on her face " what are you doing after school today am?" he questions " oh me you know go home eat and lounge around." I say with a bored tone

" oh so that is good would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" he says very quietly and I think I am the only one that heard it and he is glancing around to make sure I was the only one. " oh yeah I would love to." I say excitedly but not to excited to make it seem I haven't been on a date in like 2 years which I haven't. " oh cool ok I will pick you up at 6." he whispered in my hair and kissed the top of my head and walked away. I looked at Riley with a surprised look and she looks at me like she has seen a ghost. I turn around to see what she is looking at and I thought today was an already bad day but seeing him there made my whole body shake with fear.

I have told Riley about my old abusive and obsessive boy friend that was back in California he name was Jason and he hit me everyday until on day I was tried of being beaten everyday was I left him and never looked back. but now all the frightening ages are resurfacing and I looked at Riley and her eyes got wider and mine did to when I realized what was going on his eyes where on me and he was heading my way.

I got so scared that I started to scoot away and hit Riley and she fell to the ground I helped her up. that is when I felt strong arms wrap around my body and an icy voice spoke in my ear. " you really thought you could get away from me." he said so calmly it have me chills. " just ple.. please leave me alone and let me go." I plead " what makes you think I would let you go princess." I cringed at the nickname he have me. "Mate she said to let go and I suggest you listen to her!" I heard a voice yell. Jason turned around with me in his grasp and I was faced with a very mad looking harry. " and who are you!" Jason bellowed

I grasp at how tight his hand had gotten around my body " Jason you are hurting me please let me go!" I said " SHUT THE HELL UP I WASNT TALKING TO YOU!" he yelled and raised his hand at me and I flinched away and waiting for the familiar pain to return but it never did that is when I realized Jason's grip around my waist was gone and when I opened my eyes you would never believe what I saw and who was winning.

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