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You're in for the longest damn chapter in this book. I didn't know how to split it so I just left everything in one place. It's over 29 hundred words, so read if you're patient enough.

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The next morning, Aaron was first to wake up. After washing his face, he sat back down on the edge of the bed and reached for his phone on the nightstand, once again, a message from that same unknown number had been sent.

"You saw the text, so might as well reply. Why don't we meet. The Suite Tea café around three. It's been sooo long. Can't wait to see again." Following that was a winky face emoticon.

He felt the bed move and closed his phone. Simon wrapped his hands around him from behind and rested his chin on Aaron's shoulder. "Morning." He greeted in a groggy tone that indicated that he was still half asleep.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" Aaron asked and turned his head slightly.

"Mhm. Sorry I overslept. I'll get up and make breakfast for us." Simon replied and rubbed his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll make us scrambled eggs." Aaron suggested.

"I don't want your scrambled eggs, I want sushi." He whined and buried his head deeper in the crook of Aaron's neck.

"Sushi? So early in the morning?" Aaron questioned.

"Yes. But we don't have seaweed. Should we run to the store and pick some up?" He placed his forefinger on his chin in thought.

"I'll just order—"

"No!" Simon cut him off abruptly. "I only eat what I make, store bought food is for uncultured swines, you hear me?" He gave Aaron a stern glare, causing the boy to gulp and nod his head quickly.

Simon smiled and placed a light peck on Aaron's cheek before climbing off the bed and stretching his arms.

They went to a small Japanese shop and got the needed ingredients along with some other small things for themselves.

After their sushi breakfast, they lounged around the house. Casper's afternoon bath time came up and now they were struggling with just making him get into the water.

"Cas, it's not that bad. You'll be the cleanest little kitten in the world." Aaron said but Casper just hissed at him and ran off.

"Somethings wrong with Casper." Simon said with his arms crossed.

"Why so?" Aaron looked up at him

"He keeps disappearing more than usual. Sometimes he'll be gone all night and then just show up early in the morning." He explained.

"Ah! Maybe he had kittens!" Aaron exclaimed with excitement.

"It's possible, but we live so far away from other people. Did he do it with a stray?"

"Oh my god! I wanna see baby kittens! We should follow him tonight!" Aaron jumped up and down and made a determined pose.

"Okay. But you're on your own. I have work tomorrow so I can't stay up late." Simon patted his head and walked passed him, going after the white fur ball.

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