Now what?

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When he opened the door to the house, the television was on but Simon didn't seem like he was around. He had contacted Aaron so many times and when the boy checked his phone, they calls he had missed were over two-hundred.

He closed the door and walked over to the rooms, passing Simon's, he heard talking coming from behind the door.

"Sy? Are you here?" He asked, knocking once before the door opened abruptly, revealing a tear stained Simon with bloodshot eyes and a distressed expression.

"Are you—"

He was stopped when Simon suddenly landed a harsh slap on his left cheek. Aaron was taken aback by that, but before he could react, Simon wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"You fucking idiot! Where in the world were you?!" Simon sobbed into his shoulders.

This was the first time Aaron had ever heard the elder cry actual tears before. "You scared me half to death! I thought you had ran away like before! Do you know how worried I was?" He lightly hit Aaron's back with his fist.

"I'm sorry." Aaron said and hugged him back. "I promise I won't disappear again. Please don't cry."

Simon tightened his grip on him one last time before pulling back. "I know you won't tell me what you were up to so I won't bother asking but...please don't pull such a stunt on me ever again you hear me?" He said while whipping his tears. "I looked everywhere, I contact everyone we knew and even involved the police, you have no idea the state you put me through, I almost had a mental breakdown for gods sake!" He laughed as he spoke, but Aaron knew that he was just trying to hide how hurt he was.

Aaron hugged him again. "I'm sorry, it's all over now. I don't want to see you sad so I'll be good from now on, k?" He said sincerely. "I promise I'll be good." He nuzzled his face in Simon's chest.

"You're fine baby. I was just worried." Simon assured him. He pulled him back and examined his face. "Does it hurt?" He asked as he traced his thumb over the area he had hit.

"Kiss it better?" He tilted his head slightly, feeling himself begin to fall into little space.

Simon kissed the spot and smiled. "Better?"

"Not yet, one more." He pouted and Simon kissed it again. "That's all Daddy, thank you..." he didn't even finish his sentence before he collapsed in Simons hands.

"Where in world were you that you're this tired?" He questioned and sighed, carrying in the boy up and walking him to his bedroom.

He took his clothes off and left him in his boxers, popping a pacifier between his lips and kissing his whole face before laying next to him as well.

Aaron was first to wake up. It was around three in the afternoon and he was tired, hungry and really needed to use the restroom. Problem being, Simon had locked him in his chest so tightly he honestly couldn't even breathe right.

"daddy!" He called out trying his best to shake the man's body. "I have use bathroom." He tried again.

"You're hurting me."

Simon lifted his head up at such speed Aaron almost fell off the bed. "Baby are you okay? Daddy's sorry. Where does it hurt?" He asked, running his hands all over the boy.

"I gotta pee."

"Oh..." he relaxed himself. "Let's get going then." He carried him off the bed and walked them to the bathroom.

After eating, they decided to make a play date together. Going to places like the art museum and the prehistoric centre. They spent their last few hours watching a movie on the iPad in Simons car while snacking on cake pops and pretzels.

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