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"Who is he!" Max yelled. His beauty screamed and kicked the man on top of her off.

"Why are you home so early?" His lover asked.

"Why are you sleeping with another man!" Max's face got heated. Liesel cupped a hand on her mouth as she waited in the living room.

"Who are you?" The man intervened.

"Who am I? Tell him Sylvia! Who AM I?" Max choked.

"He is my fiancé." Sylvia answered.

"Leave right now or I swear to God I'll..." He stammered at the man. He had bright yellow hair and green eyes. The man was more muscular than Max.

Before he left, the man said, "she's great." Max turned and punched him square in the face, and then broke his hand in his own. Blood trickled from his nose. The man said no more and squeaked out the door.

"Sylvia, it's over for you too. Go. Leave."

"Max- I"

"I said leave. Forget this, all of it." He then flung the box against the door and watched it bounce. The ring fell out, neglected and wanting a home on a hand. Max pulled all of Sylvia's clothes from her dresser and piled them on the bed.

"I guess I'm not as important to you as you are to me." Max cried out. Sylvia knew that fighting it would only make it worse. He was already damaged and ripping at the wound more would only infect it. With shaking hands, she put her belongings into her suitcases.

"I'll pay for two nights at the hotel down the street. After that I cannot afford for you to stay any longer." Max ruled.

"Alright." Sylvia whispered. She couldn't even cry, she did not truly love him. Max, on the other hand, fought back tears every time he looked at her. Liesel still sat quietly in the living room, being absorbed into the corner of the couch. She listened, and all she could think about is how badly she wanted to hug him and tell him that she still loved him. Words were thrown, full of anger and sadness and without purpose.

Sylvia packed her other belongings.

"Why'd you do it?" Max's swollen, red face sniffled.

"I don't know." Sylvia answered intimidated.

Max nodded, then walked over to his dresser. He pulled out his top drawer and reached all the way down into the corner. From there he received money, counted it, and gave it to her.

"Now go, please. Be safe." Max droned. He spoke monotone and without feeling, positive or negative. What he said just existed, and that is not the way Max was.

Liesel heard Sylvia leave the room and begin down the hall, nearing her. In this awkward situation, should she greet her or hope to not be seen? Liesel decided to just sit there and let Max and Sylvia exchange their last words. Max entered the living room first, and briefly looked over at Liesel. His face was nearly flooding with tears, and it reminded Liesel of his face when she first saw him. It was confused, hurt, and innocent. Behind him trailed Sylvia, a tall and model-like woman with short, brown hair. She wore a revealing dress and too high of heels. As Max opened the door, Sylvia happened to catch just a glimpse at Liesel sitting on the couch.
Sylvia was out the door, but remained whispering to Max who leaned against it.

"Goodbye." Sylvia bowed.

"Yes it is." Max sniffled, for tears were about to erupt in any given second. He closed the door on her and left her staring in confusion at the abrupt ending.

Max leaned on the inside of the door, his forehead resting on his arm, and cried. Liesel could hear the tears dripping from his face fall hard to the floor. Quietly, Liesel stood and walked her way over. She wrapped her arms around Max from behind and pressed her cheek to his back.

"Max, I am truly sorry." At this Max felt shivers, he is not alone.

"Do not be, my girl, you have done nothing wrong." He kept his face smushed against the door. Liesel broke away from him and tried to look at his face. She pushed his dense hair from his eyes and got him to move from the door. His face swelled from the tears, and his eyes glistened like thousands of little crystals.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel happy?" Liesel asks.

"There is one thing I have in mind." Max thinks.

"Tell me, and we can go do just that." Liesel smiles.

"I want to take you to get one of those dresses." Max whimpers.

"Nein, Max, something for you I mean." Liesel laughs.

"Exactly, I want to do something to keep my mind off of everything right now." Max sniffled and wiped his nose.

"If that is what Max wants." Liesel sarcastically stated, but her words disintegrated quickly afterwards.

"My apologies, let me show you your room." Max tried to smile. He led Liesel into the room across from his. There was a beautiful bed and furniture inside.

"Let me show you the surprise." Max flatly ordered. He was broken, and his attempt at being happy was next to nothing. He took his hands and placed them over Liesel's eyes.

"No peeking." Max grinned. The pain in his voice showed, and he was trying way too hard to forget about it. He guided her to his room. She felt a breeze and coolness where she stood.

"Look." Max removed his hands and Liesel looked as she was instructed to. Her eyes reflected all of the different colored lights she saw. The city skyline broke the starry sky.

"Oh Max, it's Munich!" Liesel cried out in joy.

"I have something for you." Max handed Liesel a paper.

"Open it." Liesel took the paper that was folded in half and unfolded it.

"Congratulations on your hard work and rigorous endeavors. You have been successfully enrolled into The Arts program at the local college. Summer classes begin the first of June." Liesel read aloud.

"What's this for?" Liesel dropped the paper.

"You are going to become a writer, that is what this is for." Max picked up the paper.

"That's in five days!" Liesel panicked.

"You can see the university from here. Look, it's two blocks down." Max stretched out his pointer finger and showed Liesel where the school sat.

"I wasn't going to let you come to Munich without knowing if your dreams were going to come true."

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