Incident 1: the Accident

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Hey everyone!

First of all, my name is Everly McSmith, a normal outgoing teenager and the MC of this story.

That's all about me for now, you'll probably find out much more throughout the story.

Well, this book is about my peculiar adventure somewhere unknown to everyone. The narrator will be explaining each and every incident that happened since the afternoon of August 13.

Hang on everyone, this ride is going to get out of the world real soon!


[August 13]

4 PM - Everly could not explain the odd feeling she had been having since that morning. She walked down the busy footpath that was spread around the many shops.

Her every step felt heavy as if they wanted her to stop right there and that something terrible is waiting for her in the near future. Everly ignored this feeling, and blamed it on her busy day at school.

Finally! Summer holidays are here. Now she can relax for 3 months, without anyone bothering her.

At least, that is what she planned to do originally...

But even this thought couldn't overcome the unsettling feeling she was getting.

God, what is wrong with me today?!

The main road was packed with cars as usual. Everly never liked the noise of traffic but that day it seemed particularly noisy so she certainly wasn't happy. With the fact that every three seconds she was bumping into someone, this had already pushed her to the verge of insanity.

Using the emergency band she always wore on her wrist, she pulled her light brown hair into a ponytail. She keeps two of them, just in case. She couldn't tie up her bangs and they lay on her forehead, rendering her sense of sight a total nuisance.

She felt like strangling the person who started the trend of bangs!

Everly sped up her pace and almost ran to the nearest crossing. She pushed past people to stand in front of them so she can be the first one to cross and patiently waited for the red man to turn green.

She suddenly felt a sharp headache. It was like numerous needles pricking her head. The headache disappeared as soon as it came.

Gosh, that hurt!

Suddenly the go signal came, she forgot the pain and made it for the other side, almost running.

Yes. Everly was in a hurry. Her favourite Anime episode had just been released an hour ago. She needed to reach home and watch it as soon as she can! She skipped her lesson at the workshop just so she could catch the episode. She knew that her teacher would scold her the next day or probably dock her pay but still.

She was halfway across when somebody shouted a warning at her. Everly was confused at first but then she saw a car heading her way...way too late.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the impact as there was no chance of escaping.

She felt a piercing pain and was flung back a few meters.

Her body lay in the middle of the road, twitching. Tears due to the pain were dripping out from her eyes. All she could feel was the sticky red liquid beneath her.

Everly realised that she was covered in blood. Her vision began to blur and a horrifying thought came to her mind.

I don't want to die...

She lost her consciousness at that moment and went into an eternally long deep sleep.

She opened her eyes in peculiar black void. It's end was not visible in her peripheral vision. It looked like the accumulation of nothingness and was extremely quiet and somewhat creepy.

Everly was floating in the void, her mind was filled with numbness and she couldn't feel her body at all. Memories of her previous life flashed past her eyes but were dull and lifeless as if the person living them wasn't her at all. The memory stopped at the moment of the car crash and she felt the unwillingness to part with life like a recurring nightmare.

Was my life really worth it? For it to end just like that...

When she finally regained her control of her body, she saw her hand which was translucent and the other side was almost visible. She looked down and saw that the space where her heart was supposed to be, now was a shiny ball of white light. It was at that moment, Everly started to feel bewildered.

Wait...what is happening?! Where am I?

She was floating randomly in an endless void. It was purposeless but strangely suspenseful. She didn't know how long she was in that void as time was meaningless there. In the far distance of the void, a green light began to form. Everly squinted her eyes and made out a sapling in the distance. As if time was fast forwarded, it grew into a ginormous tree with long glowing vines. One of them stretched towards her and entered her chest, towards the ball of light.

Suddenly the bright light began to spread from within her body until it had fully enveloped her. Her vision became blur and she felt the gravity return. She began to fall.

She fell...

And fell...

Still falling...

And then she hit the ground. It was soft and felt familiar. The bright light faded and she saw the grassy piece of land that she fell on. Her body was in slight pain due to the fall and she struggled to get up. She dusted off her clothes and looked around with hands on her waist.

"Now...what in the world...?" The slight smile on her face dropped when she saw her surrounding. Incredibly tall trees with lush green glowing leaves. Birds with huge and colourful wings were flying in the sky, and among the trees, and the most strange part was the purple mist surrounding the forest which didn't let anyone look past a few meters. Everly didn't had enough vocabulary to describe this mystic place straight out of a fantasy novel.

This...this isn't Earth right?...where the hell am I?!


It seemed like she had traveled to a totally different dimension! She wasn't even on Earth.

Like...from which part of hell did the second sun pop out from?!

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