Demon Race 9: Black Oblivion

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The auction was going to be held at an auction hall located in the middle of the city.

Everly and the rest walked through the crowded streets, staring curiously at the series of shops and stalls. Grey Crest city had a different vibe than Far Water. It was more bustling on the streets, and the houses by the roadside were built with slanted roofs and slathered with what seemed like white chalk. It got off on your fingers, if touched.

They entered the magnificent building with the words "Auction Hall" written in huge, bold letters on a golden plaque. The inside was divided into many doors leading to different halls auctioning a variety of stuff. Leome went and asked for the direction of the Metal and Stone auction from the management and they pointed out the way for them.

Although the poor assistant was scared stiff by the buff looking Leome and his intimidating aura. Leome and Leese were similar in that aspect.

The Metal and Stone auction hall was divided into VIP seats in the balcony and audience seats on the ground level. Only five star blacksmiths and above were permitted to enter the VIP seats. Knowing that she could have gotten in even without acquiring the five star badge, Everly had a new found respect for Master Han's cunningness.

Leome told them that he won't go inside with them but had his own ways to secretly keep watch so Everly and Liz, with Aluci in her pocket, walked up to the entrance, but they were stopped by the guy in charge.

"Sorry, only five star blacksmiths and above can enter." He said in a surely voice.

"Oh, well-" she was about to take out her badge when the in charge gave a gasp and walked up to someone approaching after them.

"Master Kay! You're here. Please let me escort you inside!"

They turned and saw an old man in robes followed by a group of people. The old man looked indifferent and slightly nodded at the in charge. Seeing that Master Kay didn't even greet him, there was no dislike on the in charge's face. The old Master's usual attitude must be like this.

Everly didn't know who this old man was, but he seemed like an influential figure. That aside, his attitude looked like indifference to everyone else, but Everly couldn't be more familiar with that face. It looked like a person who was utterly bored. Something seen on regular bases on a student's face during a lesson.

This was followed by another commotion as a young man in flashy robes and jewellery walked in with a bunch of servants holding his cape from behind. The onlookers gazed in surprise and excitement. He also seemed like a well known personality. Well, Everly did expect some big shots to appear at this auction.

The man threw gold coins to the people he passed by.

"Gold here! Gold there! Have some gold! Some more over here!"

Very few people were disgusted by his behaviour while the rest almost worshipped him. Everly was the former. The man walked up to Master Kay and greeted him cheerfully. He looked just like a second generation heir from her previous life.

"Master Kay! Long time no see! I'm so glad to see you here"

Master Kay and his entourage visibly rolled their eyes.

"Likewise, Lord Ruby." Master Kay mumbled and proceeded to the entrance. As Everly and Liz were in front of them, the people behind had to wait. Although there was no such thing as a line in the VIP entrance but it was considered polite to wait while one entourage goes in. The in charge frowned at them.

"Didn't I say that only five star  blacksmiths and above are allowed in. Why are you still here?"

"Yeah well-"

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