Incident 4: Meeting a Bulldog

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Everly lied down on the bed and gazed at the beautiful ceiling of the room. Under the dim light of the moon, she could make out the expensive furnishing. In her whole life, she had never slept in such a grand room before, so Everly couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

And now...she couldn't fall asleep. As a person who usually slept at 2 or 3 am, it was still very early. She really wanted to go out and roam around. The curiosity was biting at her soul but she couldn't help but remember that person's warning.

Tch. Why did it seem like at that moment he was trying to scare a child?

Everly made up her mind. She would just roam around a little and find a few escape routes. The house was big enough so what are the odds that she will bump into him in the hallways?

She opened the door and peaked out into the dark hallways. It was pitch black and there was no one in sight. She tip toed out and carefully closed the door.

The hallways were huge and could easily accommodate eight people walking side by side. The faint moonlight fell on the portraits and picture frames. Antiques were arranged every few feet.

With such a bad security system, isn't he afraid of getting robbed? Those antiques looked really pricey.

The house, more like a mansion, seemed to be divided into wings. The one in which she was staying seemed like the residential wing where the rooms are located. She made her way towards another wing.

She froze as suddenly a number of voices came from a distance. There seemed to be more then one person and their footsteps came closer with each passing second. The lights in the hallways of this wing were turned on. Judging by the voices, it seemed like that person had some guests in the house.

Not good. She should go back to her room before she gets caught. It wasn't that Everly was afraid of him but rather that she didn't want to interrupt someone's gathering.

Suddenly the door beside her opened. With the help of her quick reflexes, she swiftly hid in one of the hallways. She peered at the opened door. A masculine arm was on the knob. The person hadn't completely walked out but seemed to be exchanging pleasantries before leaving. She turned her head away when he came out and waited for him to walk away.

As the footsteps faded away, Everly sighed in relief and turned to walk back to her room. Just as she turned, she was met with someone staring right at her.

Or rather 'something' as instead of a human face, it was a bulldogs head. The rest of the six feet body looked completely human with a neat suit wore on. But that head...

She stilled as her eyes widened in disbelief. The bulldog head peered at her curiously and turned his head to one side, as if in deep contemplation.



At that point, Everly had already forgotten to breath. The bulldog raised a hand towards her. She completely snapped and screamed before madly making a dash towards the hallway. After a few steps, she realised that she wasn't moving at all. Even her feet were in the air. The bulldog had grabbed her by the collar and was currently holding her up in mid air and staring at her with a complicated expression. At that moment, it opened its mouth.

"Aaah!!! Don't bite me! I didn't do anything to you! Let go of me!!" She struggled to get out of his grasp but it proved to be stronger then she thought.


Meanwhile, inside the room. The atmosphere was relaxed and ceremonious.

"Congratulations on your awakening Brother Cale! You are indeed very lucky to have been awakened before the new year begins."

"Yes indeed. Brother Cale has been working very hard and has now achieved the fruit of his labour."

A few else congratulated him as well. Among the bunch, a dark figure sat at one side while he swirled his wine cup. He looked up with a smirk.

"Brother Cale is indeed very lucky but I'm afraid, just awakening isn't your actual objective. It is in fact just one step towards it."

"Haha it is indeed Lord Orion who is all seeing." Brother Cale snorted and waved his hairy hand in the air. Brother Cale was in fact a chimpanzee with a build that could scare Olympic weight lifters.

"Should I explain to my brothers here what I want to achieve?" He looked at at them with a smile but was interrupted.

"No need."

Brother Cale's smile froze. He glanced at the person who spoke and managed a meek smile on his face.

"Right right. Lord Orion has already figured it out."

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.

"Brother Cale needs to keep confidentiality on some matters. You should be aware of this fact."

An understanding smile blossomed on Brother Cale's face as he nodded continuously.


"Lord Orion is right. I will definitely adhere to the Lord's advice." He said with a flattering expression. If Everly was present there, she would have gagged at the obvious bootlicking expression on Brother Cale's face. Then she would have laughed at how haughty and prideful the owner of the house was being in the company of these poor fellows.

"C'mon Macy, don't behave like a grim reaper over there. It's time to celebrate! Time to drink! Come on guzzlers! Let's drink till we are knocked out!" A beast that looked like a bull spoke enthusiastically. This was Jarin, the Town Chief. He looks and sounds way more dumb then he actually is. Lord Orion's eye twitched as he replied.

"It's Mason and don't drink so much. If you end up unconscious, I'll throw you all out of the house!"


"Granger boy? Eh? Where did he go?" Completely disregarding the Lord Orion, Jarin looked around in search of Granger Boy.

"Ah he left for the washroom before Senior Lopus left. He should be back soon." A thin and lanky man responded. He looked normal if it weren't for the two horns on his head. This nerdy looking guy was called Micheal. A scholar that owned the biggest library in the kingdom. Then he spoke as something occurred to him.

"Oh right! Mason, did you notice some sort of space distortion near your place?"

Mason looked up at that.

"Space distortion?"

"Yes or some sort of energy release or equivalent. The Research Hall brought news of such abnormality being detected this afternoon. We don't know it's origin and we aren't able to trace it back. Did you see anything abnormal recently?"

Abnormal? Mason frowned as a certain someone's face floated in his mind.

"I don't think I've seen anything of that sort. Sorry. I don't know."

Micheal sighed helplessly.

"I see. It's fine, it was probably a lost cause anyways."

At that moment, they heard a sharp scream and loud noises from outside the room. It surprised all of them.

"What? Who is that?!"

"Granger Boy?!" Jarin sat up straight.

"No, the scream is a little...girly." Micheal spoke up after listening for a bit.

Mason stiffened. He cursed inwardly. Didn't he tell her to not come out?! How disobedient! He stood up and walked to the door.

"I'll go and check. The rest of you stay here! Don't come out!" Mason hurriedly opened the door and rushed out. He really wanted to strangle a certain someone.

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