Apparition 6: Journey

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Jarin sauntered into the hall and looked at the perpetrators of the whole incident. He was already in a very bad mood and now he had to deal with people fighting in a place that is under his jurisdiction.

He caught sight of Everly and was stunned for a moment. A pleasant smile replaced his angry expression.

"Kid! It's you!" He walked up to her and looked down with a smile.

"Jarin! Long time no see!" Everly was pleasantly surprised. Jarin gave a hearty laugh and patted her on the back. They both were treating each other as good old friends who hadn't seen each other for days.

"Haha! What are you doing here kid? Did you come here to look for me?"

Everly shook her head and replied, "I came here to register for a tourist carriage."

"What? Why do you need a tourist carriage? Just ask that rich brat to lend you his own carriage. It's not like he uses it anyways."

Everly fumbled with her fingers, "Well I already left his place. I can't go back and ask for something again."

"Tch. You don't need to stand on ceremony with that guy. I can assure you of that." Jarin waved his hand as he said that. He then looked at the stunned Deputy Chief and Melissa and narrowed his eyes. "Anyways, What was happening here?"

The Deputy Chief was nervous inside, although he didn't show it. He gave a side eye to Melissa. Who could've thought that this girl would know Jarin, the Town Chief. His daughter had just made things difficult for him.

"Well Chief, you see-" 

He was cut off by Everly, "Jarin, these guys cornered me for no reason at all and sent that scary looking guy to beat me."

The Deputy Chief was speechless. Although what she said wasn't false but the way the words came out seemed very wrong to him.

"Chief, actually-"

This time, he was interrupted by his own daughter.

"He wasn't going to beat you. Stop lying!" Melissa glared daggers at Everly.

Everly clutched her hands on her chest as if being wronged. "What do you mean I'm lying? Everybody here saw him grab my arm. If I hadn't retaliated, who knows what he might have done to me." She perfectly faked out a girl who has been harassed in public.

Somebody should give her an Oscar.

No one paid any attention to how Everly had beaten up a yellow spirt with just a punch but instead, they sympathised with her. They all glared at the father-daughter duo.

But the Deputy Chief hadn't forgotten that fact and was very impressed by her acting. He was a smart person and realised that things weren't going good for him. He also caught sight of Jarin's face going darker by each second.

Jarin was very angry at this point. He couldn't just stand and watch this kid being bullied right under his nose. Or else, how would he answer that brat if he confronts him about it.

"Deputy Chief! You need to be held answerable about this matter that was started by you and your daughter!"

"Yes Chief! I understand. I'll make her repent on her actions."

"Dad! Why are you apologising? It's her-"

"Melissa!" He said through gritted teeth, shutting her up. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the hall. Melissa was frightened and could only follow quietly. The Deputy Chief was going to deal with Everly but he didn't think that it was the right moment.

Dawn Of The New Life जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें