Chapter 3

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Ezri POV

It's the weekend and I'm bored. Daniel is in the computer room plying a game and I'm in the bedroom trying to find things to do. I could tell him I need to run an errand and go see Julia instead, but she's spending the weekend with her boyfriend. He  came back home to see her this weekend for her birthday. I don't mind. They are really cute together. I met Mark once. He was really nice. I'm not sure how they do the whole open relationship thing but it seems to work for them. I've thought about what Julia said about me doing a threesome with them, but I'm not sure. I'm really self conscious and I'm not sure that I would know what to do.

Julia is so different than any other girl friends I've had. I'm originally from Chicago, IL and a lot of my friends there were stuck up. Here everyone is much more laid back. Lately I've been really caught up in Julia, but I really should start back focusing on my modeling career. I work as an HR Coordinator for a company that sells glass. My boyfriend is a mechanical engineer for a company that makes car parts. We both make decent money, but of course we want more in life. If I could, I would model full time, but jobs are hard to come by and the industry is very competitive.

Me and my boyfriend met on Tinder. At first I didn't think it was going to work out because we lived so far away from each other. I was in my junior year at college and he said he wanted to come visit me. I told him no, because it was too far, but he came anyway. The rest is history. We've been dating for almost four years now. It may sound cliche, but our anniversary is on Valentine's Day. We did not plan it like that. He came to visit me at college on Valentine's Day weekend. He booked a hotel for us and planned a great weekend. We were sitting on the couch watching basketball and he kissed me. The kiss started getting heavy and I climbed over into his lap. He started feeling up my back and when our lips finally came apart he told me he loved me. I said it back and we've been officially together ever since then.

For the most part, we have a good relationship. Lately, we've been arguing a lot of dumb things but I feel like it's just a phase that every couple goes through. I love him and I think we'll make it through this rough patch.

I think my boyfriend is very handsome. He's tall- 6'3, Black, dark-skinned, about 210 pounds, nice round ass, with glasses. His smile is adorable. He has light brown eyes and he keeps waves in his hair. He reminds me of a younger Lance Gross.

I am 5'4, 120 pounds, Black, light-skinned, nice ass and boobs, with straight light brown hair that is shoulder length.  I think we complement each other well. I love how he's so much taller than me. At first, I was in awe, but I've gotten used to it now. He doesn't seem tall at all to me now.

Our relationship was great for the first couple of years. We did really exciting things together, but now I feel so distant from him. We used to go on so many weekend trips together. He would pay for hotels and date nights. Now we barely talk to each other and when we do we argue. I don't know what's going on now. I know we are both stressed with our jobs. I wish we could go back to the way things were with the surprises and excitement. My boyfriend is a cool nerd but he used to be good at planning dates and keeping things exciting in his own cute little way. I miss that. Our sex life hasn't been the greatest lately either. The first time we had sex was magical. It was just like in the movies. Now it's so boring. The other night we started arguing in the middle of having sex! Who does that?!? I miss the exciting sex, but now I'm getting it with Julia. I'm so glad I have her. She keeps my mind off of the terrible real relationship I have.

I know it's wrong to keep her a secret from Daniel. Truth is, I don't think he would mind me doing stuff with girls just so long as he could watch and maybe join in. But then I'd have to share Julia and I don't want that. What if he likes her more than me? Julia is a freak! She definitely knows how to do things to a guy better than me. I couldn't handle that. So, for now, she will remain my secret girlfriend.

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