Chapter 13

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****later that night*****

Ezri: I missed you sooooooooo much. Can I ask you something?

Julia: Sure

Ezri: Do u still have feelings for me?

Julia: Of course

Ezri lights up and pulls Julia closer to her

Ezri: Then let's be together. Baby, look, I don't care anymore. I have to tell u how I feel. I've been holding this in too long. I love you. I love you so much. Can you please just be with me? No bs. No other girls or guys. Just us. For once. Can we just try? If it doesn't work out then fine, but I love you too much not to try.

Julia: Baby, I... You know I love you too. *Julia kisses Ezri softly on the lips*

Ezri: Great, then let's do it!

Julia: But you know relationships aren't my thing.

Ezri: I know... but you can't make an exception for me? Don't you feel that chemistry between us. Baby, there's nothing like being with you. I don't get that feeling with anyone else. I missed it so much and I don't want to lose it again.

Julia: You don't have to, I'm still here. I've always been here.

Ezri: But I don't want to share you. I can't. The thought of you being with someone else tears me apart. Please baby, can we try?

Julia: *Looks at Ezri with empathy*

Ezri: *touches the side of her face*

The two start to kiss passionately

Ezri: *pulls away* See. Tell me you didn't feel that. That connection. Every time we kiss. Every time we touch. It's magical. My heart starts beating fast. It's the best feeling ever. I want that forever. I want to come home every night and please you.

Julia: *Still silent*

Ezri: Please baby, I'm begging you

Julia: Baby... I... just can't.

Ezri: Yes you can. You can do whatever you want. You're so sexy *Ezri rubs Julia's leg* and smart *Ezri kisses Julia's neck* and beautiful.

Ezri: Please be mine baby 

Ezri stops and stares into Julia's eyes trying to read what she's thinking

Julia: I don't think I can and I don't want to hurt you. I like to keep it interesting. That's why I like to be with different people.

Ezri: Keep it interesting? Do u not remember all the interesting times we had? Do you remember the showers? The laundry room? The park? Dressing room? Baby. We can keep it interesting. We can bring other people in every now and then, but we have to set boundaries.

Julia: But what if I don't want boundaries.

Ezri: Why are you so afraid of love? Have I ever let you down? Have I ever broken your heart?

Julia: *Puts her head down*

Ezri: WOW Julia, ok.

Ezri gets out the bed and starts putting on her clothes.

Ezri: I can't believe I gave you my heart for so long. You are ruthless. I love you like crazy. I would do anything for you, but you'd rather sleep with people you have no connection with.

Ezri puts on her clothes and opens the door to walk out of the room.

Julia: Ezri wait.. come back

Ezri: *goes back and sits on the bed*

Julia: You are right. I am afraid of love. I avoid it. But I do love you. I love what we have. You are always my number 1.

Ezri: Sure didn't feel that way when u ghosted me after the threesome.. which I did for you by the way.

Julia: Babe, just listen. I know that was stupid. I run away from my feelings when they start to get intense... because I don't really know how to just love one person. No one has ever loved me like you.

Ezri: So love me back. Only me. Just try for me.

Julia: But what if it fails and we never have anything again?

Ezri: That won't happen, I promise.

Julia: That's the same thing my ex said before.

Ezri: Ex?!? What ex. You've never told me about an ex that did you wrong.

Julia: Yeah. I know. I try to forget about her.

Ezri: Are you still in love with her?

Julia: No, not anymore. Not now that I have you.

Ezri: Baby, we have to be honest with each oth...*Ezri's phone rings*

Ezri: FUCK!!

Ezri: Hello... hey baby. I'm so sorry. Last night was a long night. Yeah. I'm just now waking up... I can't wait to spend the day with you too. Ok, I'll call u back when I get ready to leave. Ok....ok. Love you too.

Julia: *Looks at Ezri with her arms folded* Honesty huh? We just fucked like 10 times and you apparently have a girlfriend?

Ezri: I can explain

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