Chapter 10

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There! Another update! Enjoy!

Steam rose from my skin as I stepped out of the shower. Zahra, Silas' mate, had left a set of clean clothes as she had promised. Taking a towel, I dried myself and ripped the covers of new underwear and bra. Next to it, was a pair of dark blue jeggings and a cream coloured sweatshirt.

Apparently, owning a bar, and a fashion line through your mate had certain perks.

Never had I felt so clean in my life. I had taken things for granted on Western Pack and I was paying a price for it.

I nearly squealed at the sight of the converse Zahra had kept next to the bed. May Amaris shine upon her!

Quickly getting ready, I took in a deep breath and saw the still room. This was much smaller than the one I had back at Western Pack, but it made me feel welcome than anything has in the past few days. Sighing, I pulled the master card of the room and headed down.

Rhaze was browsing through something in a tab while Zahra was making some noodles. From the perfect combination of spices used, I could tell what a cook she must be. I licked my lips and sat on the chair next to my sister.

"Seriously, Miguel?" Silas shouted in an annoyed tone. But I could hear a pinch of nostalgia in that voice. "Even after all these years? I can't believe you!"

Slamming the door behind him, the vampire came out of the room, which was on the same floor as the kitchen was, and hugged his mate straight away.

Zahra laughed gently and patted his shoulder. When her brown eyes met mine, I smiled.

I could never stop to thank this pair. The place which we had knocked on for Silas had been the bar the green haired vampire owned. He had taken us to his own house which was thankfully away from the city.

"Thank you, Zahra," I said. "For... everything."

She shook her head and waved her spoon. "Not me, honey. Thank my mate."

At this Silas frowned and took his seat opposite to my sister. "Don't thank me just yet." Then he raised his voice. "Miguel has a lot of explaining to do."

At this, Rhaze said without even looking up, "I thought you both would have had the opportunity to talk while we girls were getting refreshed. After all, a girl takes ages, does she not to get ready?"

Silas's eyes darkened. "Watch your tone, pup."

"Watch yours," I growled back, without a single thought. No one threatened my pack. No one.

While Silas was about to say something, Zahra placed her hand over his shoulder. "Calm down, my love. She has been Alpha for less than a week and her control is great than any other Alpha I have seen out there these days. Just don't try to rile her up now."

Gritting his teeth, Silas nodded. "As you wish."

Rhaze slowly raised her head.

He sighed. "If you have not noticed, Miguel takes more time than anybody."

Then the door through which Silas had come out opened and revealed a fresh looking Miguel. His shaggy beard which he claimed to have cut by a rock was gone and the dirt that had caked his skin abandoned him.

The shine his deep brown eyes had told me the years he has missed. The laughter lines his face had come to life. His muscles were toned yet had thinned. A proper diet ought to see him fine. But how he managed to stay without his muscles getting atrophied was a mystery to me.

"Were you gossiping about me?" he asked placing a hand over his chest.

"Yes," Silas snapped. "About your ballet lessons and your kolam skills."

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