Aries POV: the flame that does not die

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A/N: Aries is completely edited. Yes, I did it. And forgive me about any mistakes in this chapter. I am dead tired.

And for those who have read Taurus, here's a little surprise for you! 

This is not just the story of Aries. It is the story of Midnight.

Ever since I saw the way Lyra thrashed, I vowed that I would never take her to that clearing again.

My intentions had been innocent. That was one of the places where the raw and unadulterated cosmic energy came to earth. I had thought that maybe bringing her there would help with the turmoil she had. I never thought it would make her thrash and bring unnecessary flashes of something.

How she knew Tucana and Volans would be a question I could not answer. They had been pulsars and they had been Soul-Bonded to my friends Canis and Ophiucus. And two out of the four were is deep slumber and other two dead and reborn again. How could she possibly know about them?

But it was what happened later that made me have my distance with her. Had I not sensed Nash searching for us, I was sure that I would have kissed her senseless and worry about the consequence later. And the look she gave me was not innocent either. There had been a challenge in her eyes, daring me to kiss her. Who was I to resist her?

Thankfully I had snapped out of it. I did not want to kiss her and then have her regret it. I wanted to taste her only because she wanted to kiss me.

Moping in a cat form would not help. I knew that. I also knew that I had to keep my distance from her. Not because she merely teased me in the language of lust and desire, but her soul was calling out to me and I could not help but respond to it.

Was I afraid of Soul-Binding with her? Never. I would be honoured to call her my other half. But I was afraid of Binding with her without her knowledge. I would never dishonour her by taking her choice. If... if we were to Soul-Bind, I want her to know it. I want her to want it as much as I crave it. I did not want her to want that bond between us just because I had already initiated it.

I prowled in the gardens I had asked Lyra to take care of and By Cosmos, she did well. The flowers that never bloomed for me, opened their secrets to her and showed her what they usually hid from me. I nearly bit a catnip.

I glanced at the moon that seemed to be mocking me for the decision I made. I had decided to give us enough distance so that I would not dishonour her. I respected her and I would it even if it killed me. While distance may not break the forming bond completely, it would weaken it.

I sighed as I sat in the deepest corner of the garden as I saw the peaceful sky. Slight movements said Lyra was in that room. My ears twitched and my whiskers trembled.

I remember the way she had sat on my wolf form in the clearing when I had to race her to the barbeque. I could have taken her slowly then, but I had been scared that I would Mark her or worse Soul-Bind her there.

But what I was doing now was stupidity. I should not have come here. I should have gone back to Steel and seen the stocks that I already knew about. I should have. But I did not listen to my sane brain and I was praying the price for it.

What would harm Lyra in that house? Varian, Miguel and Aislynn were there. More to that, Kaina and Rhaze were in. What could possibly harm her?

But the thought of her laying on my bed, her skin soaking on my scent turned my thoughts to a dangerous direction. She may not be able to find my scent, but I could and my scent on her skin was everything. Whatever I thought as soothing and calm did not stand a chance against Lyra's scent.

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