Aries POV: an act of cowardice

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A/N: I have an announcement at the end. But for now... Enjoy


I was a coward. I admit it. Who ran away after Soul-Bonding? Apparently, I did. This was not how I was. I faced things head-on... but when it came down to Lyra, I was a terrified kitten. Perhaps that was why I shifted into a cat when I had been with her.

Whatever the reason was, what I did was not fair to her. Or to anyone. Had this been done to my sister, I would have trashed whoever had done it. If Miguel wanted to hit me, if Varian wanted to punch me, I would let them.

I know what happened that night, but Lyra did not. What if the bond was strong and, despite my efforts, she missed me? How could it be fair to her?

"You know," the female who sat before me drawled as she skimmed her eyes through the paper. "Instead of pretending to do work, why don't you face the girl?"

I glared at the female. Years ago, she chased after me. Afterwards, she met her mate and from then on; she was a good friend of mine on Earth.

"What?" she asked. "I figured it out? It's quite easy. Many people have this look of... forlorn when their love life is not going as they planned. And, this is the first time I am seeing you have this face. "

"Regina!" I warned, closing my laptop with a click. "Stay out of this."

She snorted. "You are a coward right now, Aries. That's all I can say. I will take the girl's side any day. When my mate left me pregnant, did you not knock him down and dragged his ass home? It was only after that he owned it up and took care of the family instead of running away. Though I am pretty sure you did not get the girl pregnant, I bet its something similar. So, instead of brooding, why don't you get her?"

I tried not to have that brooding face. What she said was true. I brought him back.

She shook her head and stood up, taking my silence as my cowardice. "If you are going to brood here, very well. This is your office, you can. I will ask Ben to get you a bed here. But don't blame me if she is taken by another."

What did she say? Taken by another? I glared at her.

She huffed. "No! You don't get to glare at me. If you are going to sit here, hiding, you think she is going to wait for you? If you don't go there, she will get another person to be her partner and go away. Then, you won't even have a chance."

"Regina!" I said, my voice sharp. "You don't understand."

"Then explain."

I looked away. How could I explain to her? She was not my sibling with whom I could share everything. If I asked them for help, some might laugh at me and some might after my blood for what I did. I was not sure of the exact proportion.

I got and walked out before her.

She smirked. "Give her my hearty congratulations!"

"Get on with your work!" I snapped.

She cocked her head. "I have submitted all the reports. Paid all the bills. Dealt with the transactions. What more do I have?"

I turned. "Don't play smart with me. That lawsuit Hansen group filed against us... I heard we are not doing good." Her smile faltered. "I don't want to lose this case. Get Kaamini or someone who knows what they are doing. I don't want to gamble this case."

She nodded firmly. "I already got the evidence against Juan. He will no longer be our lawyer."

"Fast," I muttered and left Steel.

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