Chapter 19

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This chapter was not meant to happen. I mean what I had planned for this chapter is not this. But as I was writing I saw the word content and I was shocked. So, this half is updated before the other half would be (I am guessing this might be Monday or Tuesday)

When I don't update for a few days time (like for four or five days) know that I am a med student and my timetable is filled with loads of exams. If I don't update or respond to messages, I am caught up in that. Once my exam is over, I might update and reply. Applies only when I take a break for about 4-5 days.

Thank you so much for your patience. Might have mistakes, i.e, typos as I am literally half-asleep while typing this.

Anyway, Enjoy:

I pried my eyes open against my best intention. The sun gave a lazy smile that was veiled by the hazy clouds. Yawning, I rubbed my eyes.

I could feel my lips stretching into a smile for which I did not know the reason. Should there be a reason to smile? 

I looked around for Midnight. But that cat was nowhere in the entire room. I nearly rolled my eyes at that behaviour. How very predictable of him.

Taking a deep breath, I sat on the bed, appreciating the view of the sea the glass door to garden gave.

Then I froze. The scent that I had greedily taken in was saturated in the room. Aries' scent filled my senses. I was unwilling to let go of that scent but certain nature call had to be given attention to.

Shaking my head, I made my way to the washroom.


"What are we going to do today?" Ant said, eating her tub of ice-cream.

How that girl managed to eat so much ice-cream would be beyond me. She did three things mainly when she was was not training or sleeping. She ate, she played sitar and she did pottery.

Since we had been training hard, as Miguel put it the entire week, he gave us a break. Miguel was on the beach, claiming he had to let loose for a while and Varian and Aislynn were in the garage. He wanted to show her his car collection.

"Beats me," Nash commented.

I shook my head. "I am heading out. I agreed to meet Brent and Andrew today. Andrew apparently woke up."

"Is that why Brent called you while we were eating?" Rhaze asked from her room. "To inform you about this?"

I grimaced thinking of the conversation I had with him. "He wants me to meet Alpha Eric."

Ant dropped her spoon. "Why?"

I sighed and plopped on the couch. "He... he thinks I should him a chance."

"Give who?" Kaina asked as she came out of the room she shared with Rhaze.

"I should give Alpha Eric a chance."

At this, Ant burst into laughter. "You are so formal in even saying his name. Fat chance you would give him a chance."

I shook my head. "I don't feel anything towards him. He is an Alpha. That's all. He is not even my Alpha. I... I don't think I want another Alpha after Ethan."

Nash scoffed. "What you don't want is a jackass, Lyra. There is a difference."

"Point," Ant said.

Then I heard a soft sound of a laptop being closed and Rhaze came out. She sat next to me. "Listen. I know you don't want to give this guy a chance. I respect that. But with this fight with Ethan? We can't win without allies. Ethan is the Alpha of the West Pack. Even if all the nameless packs, covens and tribes join together, we can't meet the strength of West pack and its allies."

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