Chapter 30

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A/N: I know, quite early, isn't it? 

As for those who don't follow me, there is a name change. She is not Andromeda (Andy). I made a mistake when I was writing that chapter (As I was half-asleep (I think I told this)). Her name will be Auriga (Riga). Sorry for the confusion. 

I hope you do not comment about the name change, cause I am extremely picky about names (Don't ask me, it is the way I am)

Anyway, Enjoy!


I simply blinked at that Warrior who gave me a grin. What I could not understand was why he landed here of all places? What had happened?

Aries let out a low growl, which made that male smirk. "Awww... you should have invited us. For your Soul-Binding ceremony. At least that way, Leo would have won the bet he made with Aqua."

My frown deepened. Say what?

Riga who was in a purple fish-cut skirt and a white top gaped at her companion. She already looked dishevelled and this look on her face was not helping. And it was definitely not helping when she had only one shoe on.

"Leo made a bet on me?" Aries said, folding his arms. "Hardly news."

Gemini laughed. "When we said we will never take a consort after Ursa, Leo said you would be the first one to break it and Aqua said it would be Virgo. I said it would be Rico and-"

"I said it would be Leo," Aries said. "We all bet on someone or the other. Seems like Leo won."

Gemini shook his head. "That guy's faith in you can move mountains."

Aries snorted. "He did not have faith in me. He merely wanted to piss me off."

"Whatever!" Gemini said. "You should at least introduce me to your lovely Soul-Bound."

"Why-" Aries began.

"Lyra Throne," I intervened.

If they wanted to bicker, they can do it all day. But not like this.

The second Warrior I met in my life smiled. "I am Gemini. I represent Chandra. So... I roam this Earth as a Warlock."

"A warlock?" Riga shrieked. "Like... like Harry Potter? Like Gandalf?"

Gemini looked genuinely offended. "They are wizards! I am a warlock!"

"And I am a witch!" Riga exclaimed.

Gemini nodded seriously. "You are."

"No shit sherlock." She gave him a look of disbelief.

"No, no! You don't understand, Riga," Gemini said. "You are a Witch. That day when those creeps attacked our office, you literally used your powers to defend yourself. You managed to knock a few of them cold for hours! I had to remove them and wait for you to open your eyes. I was preparing a good excuse, an amazing tale where I was the hero, but you brushed the whole incident like you had passed out from stress and it was all a nightmare. You know how disappointed I was?"

If I had not seen this guy's eyes or known his name or felt his aura, I would never be able to say that this male before me was a star, much less a Warrior.

Riga blinked at him and then saw me. "Is the one next to you as cracky as the one next to me?"

I could not help but laugh. I liked this girl.

"Nope. He can be normal if he wants to," I said, giving him a sideways glance. He gave me a look of disbelief. "Or cracky, and I am pretty sure he won't be cracky now. Come on inside, by the way."

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