Chapter 32.1

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A/N: I know, I am late. My flu became worse and I was suffering from a stomach infection. 

I hope you can forgive me this time. (What can I do? I have a really sensitive body)

And... Thank you so much, guys! Aries got 100k reads. Wow! This is the first book of mine to cross this mark. Phew! This would not be possible without you guys! 

Anyway, I hope you can enjoy :)


Alioth literally glided over the crystalline pathway. Saiph was just an inch behind her. While once, she had stood by and admired the swirling sand storms that raged beneath the bridge to her sister's place, she could not bring herself to stop and admire them.

Megrez was waiting for her at the entrance. As much as Megrez was a brilliant scientist, she was one strong warrior. So strong that she would give her Saiph a run for energy.

Just as expected, her half-sister had abandoned her coats and took her armour. A long sword rested on her shoulder as if it had always belonged there and she held a long-range bow on the other hand. While stars usually fought with bare hands using their brute strengths, some preferred weapons.

"I can't believe it," Megrez snarled when she reached close. "I can't believe that Adira had the audacity to sell Dubhe's location."

While not many knew, Dubhe was quite a special star. She had in addition to receiving their mother's fertility, she had also inherited Ursa's ability to bend space to her will.

To put it in simple words, if the universe was coded, Dubhe had the ability to change the code to her will.

Worlds were not simply created. Only those who can bend space can create worlds. Surva could bend space to her will and hence she created worlds. Dubhe could create worlds if she wanted to. But unfortunately, her powers were way too much for her.

The last time Dubhe tried to use her power, she was on the brink of insanity. It was like with Ursa's death, a part of Dubhe's power was fragmented. Until Dubhe collected herself, using her power would be equivalent to killing herself.

That was the reason why they made Adira look after her. Adira had been Megrez's mother's most faithful warrior. To imagine she would do this!

"Are you sure it is Adira?" Saiph asked, a frown marring his face.

Megrez nodded. "I beat the energy out of her. She receives a quantum of energy every minute. Just to keep her alive. Surva is coming to investigate this."

Alioth could not help but gasp. "Surva? She is coming? It's been ages since she came."

Megrez began to walk inside the crystalline structure, with Alioth and Saiph trailing behind her. "Not only Surva. Qamar too."

"Oh my!" Alioth gasped. "Qamar too?"

Megrez clenched her teeth. "If Qamar says that this kidnapping is needed, I will assassinate Qamar himself. Let Fate be damned."

The universe held no close association with heat or cold. It just existed. It did not have any concept of time or temperature or distance. After being on earth for two thousand years, this was a bit peculiar to her.

But right now, the uncaring temperature dropped a few degrees. A weird kind of chillness raced up her body. Her energy was frizzy and it noticed the presence of someone more powerful than herself.

"Fate be damned?" a cool voice asked. "That is quite cold of you, Megrez."

Megrez rolled her eyes. "So what if you are the King of this part of the universe. So what if you have ten worlds under your control? What if your Soul-Bound created them all? My sister is missing. And you damn well wrote her Fate."

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