Prologue IV

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Kahlo. Winter. 1348.

"Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!" The shrieking from peasants out on the streets had made my whole-body tremble.

It reminded of the dreadful letter I'd received only that cold morning.

Dearest Ella,

Oh, how I miss you.

I wish I could return back home to you, but the worst has fallen upon my mother; she is ill.

We are praying above all that it's just a quick passing illness but deep in my heart I know that it's the plague. None of us are allowed to leave the guild until a week after the disease has completely left.

But I fear for us all.

You know how it is, once a red cross is on a door, nobody but the luckiest of luckiest, are able to leave that holding...

One of those masked doctors visited today, made Mother bathe in vinegar. I'm doubtful that it will do anything, but I have to hope.

I'll write to you if anything changes.

I love you,

Yours truly,


And then, only two days later, I'd received another one, a messy and scrawling letter, it read:

Ella, Ella, Ella,

I'm afraid, so terribly afraid.

There was swelling under my armpits when I awoke this morning.

I'm going, I know I am.

I feel so tired... so tired.

I know that you can live through this plague; you are so strong and brave.

Continue on fighting; find happiness after all this darkness.

I love you.

I'm thinking of you right now; your golden hair that challenged the evening sun, the way you'd put dirt in my bed to irritate me if you were mad at me, the joy that lit up your brown eyes when you finished one of your beautiful bows.

Most of all, I'm thinking of your smile. Oh, how I miss your smile, it never failed to light up my world.

I'll write to you tomorrow, maybe I'll feel better then.

Goodbye my darling,


your William.

That was the last letter I ever got from Will.

I shut down when no letter came in the morning, nor the morning after. Tears streamed endlessly down my face until I became numb to it all. Numb eventually to the pain.

Much happened in those next weeks, but I felt nothing. Thanks to my father, the Earl and his family took us, along with other people that worked closely with him, to his castle in the countryside.

We were finally safe.

Away at last from Kahlo, the city that had been shrouded in darkness and plague.

We said goodbye to the endless night.

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