19. Cat and mouse

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A/N: Warning, little bits of violence in this scene, but enjoy xx

I step out, a cold breeze hitting me, thank goodness I remembered my cloak. Mentally patting myself on the back I start walking. With no destination goals I randomly go right and follow the track around the village green.

My eyes curiously take in the surroundings of the village. In all my years of existing, I'd never lived in a proper village, only in Kahlo which is a city, and at the Earl's castle. The smallness of Burnsley fascinates me, although not small in size, its everything in it that is small, little streets running between little cottages, huts and buildings.

Its after I've going down a few too many random streets, that I realise not only that I am lost but that there is also someone behind me, whether they are following me on purpose or by coincidence, I do not know.

Keeping my cool I do the twisting and turning method, which means constantly turning directions and going down different paths, this is what I used to do in Kahlo if there was ever someone getting a bit too close to me, unfortunately here I don't know all the shortcuts or routes which is a disadvantage. 

As I'm about to turn onto another street I see a new man coming up it, wearing similar dark clothes and a hooded cloak to the man behind me. Heart thudding I continue down instead of turning, speeding up slightly.

Keeping my eyes peeled for places to hide or use as an escape route, I continue this dangerous dance of cat and mouse. Night has now fallen and I realise I've made a mistake, somehow I've wandered into a silent part of the village, no lights are merrily shining from buildings, the only light is from the moon meaning I can't even knock at a random persons house.

Both men stay behind, hovering around at a good distance, but definitely following, and it seems almost as if I am being herded, towards what, I don't know but I sure don't want to find out. I turn quickly down another alley, and start running before they too get around the corner, looking desperately now for a place to hide.

Shadows cover both sides of the alley and just before the end I notice a pile of crates in the dark. As quietly as I can I hide behind them, turning them so that I am blocked from view.

And there I wait, trembling in the dark. What these men are planning on doing to me I don't know.

Seconds go by slowly, like a child dragging their feet on a walk, then I hear voices, thick accents like Merik drawing me to the conclusion of locals. Through a singular crack in the box I see the outline of four men. Where did the other two come from?

"Oi, Alan, did ye see him pass be ye?" One asks.

"No, he must've given ye the slip," Another replies.

"Dammi' Brian, how did ye le' a wee li''le rich boy get away, we need tha' money,"

Ahh, so they're after money.

"Or maybe he's still around here, hiding like a dir'y ra'."

The thudding in my chest gets louder and I begin feeling slightly light headed, the fear eating away at me.

"Quick lets search for him. You go over there, I'll go here." Someone growls and order.

His voice moves closer.

And then suddenly the crates are being pulled away, and I am exposed. For a split second we both stare at each other, then I leap out at full force, dashing past him, running at my top speed.

"He's here!" The man shouts! And then I'm bouldered into by another one of them, we going rolling down to the ground, and I start thrashing but he has a too good grip on me. Another man rushes over and joins, roughly grabs my arms, there will be guaranteed bruises later.

"Hold still rich scum and we won't hurt you that bad." He growls.

I stop struggling, I know which battles to choose, and this is not one of them. He grips me firmly, then pauses.

"Alan, Alan mate, thats not a him, thats a her." I look to the ground and realise my cap as fallen off in the struggle, my blonde locks now showing and revealing my identity.

"My, my, a girl we 'ave?" He replies, walking around. "This is new information."

All the men look stunned. And then all of a sudden I hear a familiar shout. Sage.

"Leon! Where are you?"

"HERE! SAGE!" I shout out before the men can muffle me. "OVER HE—"

"Shut her up!" A hand gets roughly shoved over my face before I can finish, but hopefully he can find me. "You'll pay for that,"

I flinch. Inwardly shouting at Sage to hurry up and find me before things get worse.

"Go find the other man, we can easily take on two of 'em."

Two of the men dash off backwards, and we wait in silence. How long goes by, I couldn't tell you, only the sounds of breathing can be heard.

Suddenly Sage comes dashing around the far end of the alley, coming to a quick halt when he sees the situation before him. He hesitates.

"Don't even think of running lad, we will get you." Alan shouts him, stepping forward.

And like I've seen Sage do multiple times before, he goes into animal mode. Arms outstretched in an open non threatening manor.

"I'm not going to run, what is it that you men want?" He asks cautiously.

"We," And round the corner comes the two other men that went looking for Sage, he is surrounded. "We want your money,"

Sage spins around but they are already on him, grabbing his arms, holding a knife to his throat.

"Stay away from him!" I shout.

"You, little lady, are in no position to talk to us," Says the one behind me.

"We have no money though, please let us be on our way." Sage says calmly.

"You lie to us! You are staying at the most expensive inn,"

"He's telling the truth, we don't have any money on us." I  plead, playing the weak girl card.

"On you, no, but at the inn is a different story, and that is why you are going to go fetch us all your money,"

If we get back to the inn we can get help, Killian should be around.

"And don't even think about getting help from inside, I have 5 other men inside your inn, any wrong move and oops, there goes a finger, or maybe even your arm! You cannot escape us." He says gruffly, as if reading my mind.

And there goes my plan. I realise that if we make it to the inn then we have no hope in keeping all of our money, and maybe even our lives, it seems they have people everywhere, maybe even the inn keeper.

That leaves only one choice...

I quickly kick my foot backwards, aiming at his jewels. Target hit. He groans loudly, falling backwards in pain.

Classic self defence move.

But before I can even celebrate my victory, I'm tackled over once more from behind by another man. I slam face first into the floor and feel a huge weight of a person crashing down on top of me.

I hear a voice call out, "Ella!" then only ringing.

My vision goes black.

A/N: Boom, early update! I wrote part of this chapter (and the next) far before I'd even written most of the chapters, it was planned when ideas for this book was only beginning so very exciting to get to this point.

19 chapters published now, quite exciting, at least for me!

Hope you are all enjoying, let me know if any mistakes, or stuff :) Feel free to chuck in a sneaky vote if you enjoyed, I appreciate all you readers so much!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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