31. The truth

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At some point I gain consciousness again, my throat is parched so I weakly fumble around in the darkness, the cave barely lit by moonlight, trying to find my waterskin. Suddenly my hand comes across the face of either Killian or Sage and I freeze, I do not want to wake either up.

I slowly retract my hand off the face, but as I'm breathing out a sigh of relief, I see the shadow outline of the man sit up and it is distinctly Killian's shape.

"Leon?" He whispers, "Are you okay?"

"Water?" I croak out, my voice failing me.

"Hold still, I'll get you your waterskin."

I have no energy to reply but I see his figure silently get up and disappear into the darkness before returning back shortly.

"Thank you," I whisper, taking a seep. It's a welcome relief as the cool water soothes my dry throat.

He takes the waterskin back off me and puts it away.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No thank you."

I lie back down and slip right back into sleep.


"—Too cold, we need to warm him up," I feel movement around me but I'm too cold to open my eyes. I feel a hand on my forehead.

"His cap is soaking wet, no wonder he isn't warming up."

"He's self conscious about his hair, he'd rather die then take it off," I hear Sage say.

"And that is where he is steadily going right now, do you want him to die?" Killian's voice says sharply.

"No... but first—"

In my state I barely recognise the feeling of my cap being pulled off but horror and alarm still floods through me as I hear the following, rather pregnant, pause.

"What is this?" I hear Killian's steel tone.


I hear nothing but I can only imagine the look that Killian is giving Sage right now.

"We shall talk about this later, first we must warm him, or rather, her up."

The truth is out but I am too numb to comprehend anything and I feel myself slipping back into the welcoming embrace of sleep.

"She needs body warmth, it's the quickest way to warm her up."  Killian says.

"You are right," Sage replies, "but it only makes sense for you to hold her. You are much bigger then me."

As I'm drifting off I feel myself being enveloped by warmth and I snuggle closer to it.


"Ell, you need to drink some water," I hear Sage say, shaking my shoulder gently, "You are beginning to heat up."

He's right, my whole body does feels hot, I open my eyes see that it is now day, and the cave is lit up by sunlight, my cloak lays discarded beside me. I start struggling to sit up so Sage helps me lean against him.

"Here, drink up."

With trembling fingers I take the waterskin and lift it to my parched lips, eagerly drinking the ice cold water.

"Where's Killian?" I ask, after drinking.

"He's gone out hunting,"

"Ah, thank you for looking after me." I give him a small smile.

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