53. A rather odd relationship

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After soaking in the hot water for who knows how long and scrubbing myself clean of dirt I finally get out and dry myself off with the bath cloths left out for me, one for my body and one for my dripping hair.

I dry off speedily, changing into my own undergarments and chemise, my bare feet quickly reminding me of the cold seeping through the stone floor motivating me to hurry back into the bedchamber to where a fire is crackly quietly, my hair wrapped up in a cloth and dirty clothes in hand.

Back in the room Jadeth and Larae are standing by the door, waiting for me.

"Your timing is perfect, a servant just dropped by with your gown and a small amount of food to keep you going until the feast." Jadeth tells me.

My stomach grumbles at the mention of food and I suddenly realise that I haven't eaten since late morning, I smile "Food is appreciated."

"But first m'lady come over here and," she says without taking a new breath, "before you protest, this gown requires our help to put on,"

"I understand, and please just call me Ell, I am not a noblewomen."

"Yes, m'la—El." Larae catches herself and I smile. She picks up a soft red gown from off the bed, "Here is your gown."

For the next wee while we wrestle with the gown; for such a simple looking thing, it is so very complicated. I do not understand how noblewomen go through with this almost every day, for it is torturous. Lace and cloth everywhere, even finding the hole for my head is a challenge but finally we manage to get the whole thing on with everything laced up and in the right places.

"This is very tight," I laugh with a little wiggle.

"It is supposed to be, figure hugging is the latest look and if I dare say so, it looks very good on you," Larae tells me.

I spin around and find the dress surprisingly light for so much material.

"And now for the best part, I can finally eat!" I smile, "I shall have to remember to give my thanks to Lady Eleanor for adding food to the gown delivery!"

"Over here, El," Jadeth says showing me the small bread and cheese platter on the bedside table, "but your thanks must be given not to her but to Killian."

"Killian?" I raise me eyebrows as I chew on the bread.

"He told us that we needed to 'feed the beast' or else face your wrath." She tells me with a chuckle.

I raise my eyebrows even further, "Those were his words?" I splutter in disbelief.

"Yes," Jadeth bobs her head.

"Oh my," I put down the bread in outrage, "it was only one time that I poured washing water on him!"

Larae's eyes widen, "You poured water on a knight?"

"It is a long story," I shake my head, a small smile on my face.

"You have a rather odd relationship,"

"Rather," I agree.

After I finish eating the two girls weave my hair into an intricate hair style, jabbering away about the manor life. All the while I cannot take my mind off Killian's gesture of reminding someone to bring me some food and a warmth fills in my stomach.

Eventually the already cloudy sky outside begins embrace night's look and darken, followed shortly by the rain. Relief fills me, Bill had ample amount of time to get back home and off the dangerous river before the storm hit. Rain thunders down and I dread to think what it would be like outside if we had been without shelter.

"The ball should begin soon enough," Larae says, watching me restlessly tap my foot, my outfit and hair now completed.

"Are we allowed to go down now?" I ask.

"We?" Jadeth laughs, "Only you, we are not permitted to the ball unless we are catering to needs."

I had assumed that at a manor house rules would not be as strict but obviously not.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, it is no fault of your own. But for you the bell will ring signalling for the ladies to line up."

I pause, "Line up?"

"Nobody told you?" Larae comes and sits down next to me, "This ball of course is celebrating Lord Ulric and Lady Eleanor's marriage, therefore the theme is connection and love. The manor's tradition is for each woman to walk down the staircase and be greeted by their suitor."

My mind panics, why am I only just hearing of this now?

"I don't have a suitor though,"

"Killian?" Jadeth says with a grin, "I'm sure something must be going on there. No one would be able to travel with that handsome knight without it crossing their mind."

I blush slightly, "No, there is definitely nothing there."

"You sure?"

"A knight would not go to a fellow knight's ball with a commoner no matter whether she is a guest or not." I say, dejectedly.

"What about that other man that came with you? The blonde haired one."

I look up at Larae, "Sage?"

"Yeah, him."

I shake my head, "No, he is married,"

"Well, it shall be a surprise then who turns up at the bottom, maybe you shall be surprised."

I bite my lip, "Has anyone ever been left at the bottom without a suitor?"

The two think for a second before Larae speaks, "Not that I can remember,"

"However," Jadeth continues, "there is stories told by the older maids of a few women who are left alone..."

"But I am sure that will not happen to a woman like you." Larae adds quickly, "No man could leave a beautiful woman like you stranded alone for long."

And with that, the bell rings out from the courtyard.

"It is time," Larae breathes, "come, we must get you to your place!"

With slightly sweaty palms I hold the edges of my dress and walk out the room into the corridor already filling with other maidens all dressed in their finest clothes with maids in tow doing last miniature touch ups.

"Is there any other traditions I should know about?" I whisper.

"Umm, you must have an enjoyable time!" Larae laughs.

"And dance until your feet cannot hold you anymore!" Jadeth smiles.

Their enthusiasm brushes away my fear and I smile; I can definitely dance the night away. 


Aaaand we are back in business! Updates should be more frequent once again!

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SouthernAlps over and out...

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