Prologue V

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Gandrick Castle. Winter 1348 - Autumn 1350.

For nearly two years we stayed at the Earl of Ardonshire's countryside castle.

As time passed, the pain slowly faded into a scar. And like a scar, the memories that came with it still made my heart ache. But the wound had healed, and I found joy once more.

I helped out in the castle kitchens with Mother, whilst Father worked tirelessly on furniture. Each day my love for Will was woven into baking, the craft that he had helped me fall in love with, a piece of him forever with me. And finally, I was able to smile and joke once more, be happy just like Will had wished me to be.

The Earl, as we came to know, was very paranoid about the plague. On his person he always kept a couple of flowers to keep the plague away with their sweet odour, and amongst other things, he instructed my father to rebuild all of the wooden furniture in his home. This resulted in Father becoming one of the most famous carpenters in Ardonshire, and was granted his wish of my sister, along with her husband and child, to move into the safety of one of the cottages in the village belonging to the manor.

Everything had finally fallen back into place.

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