17. A privy pot plant

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We easily find our room, however unlocking it seems to be the real challenge. The key slots in perfectly well just will not turn no matter how hard Killian tries to twist it.

"Any chance that it is the wrong key?" Sage questions.

"No, it has to be this one, it fits exactly," Killian sighs and drops his hand defeatedly.

"Okay how about Killian and I go grab our bags from the horses and get Merik for help and Leon, in the meantime, you can stay here and keep trying." Sage suggests.

Pfft, the chances of me being able to unlock it after Killian has tried for a solid chunk of time are not high at all.

"Sounds like a plan. Here," Killian passes me the key, his rough hand grazing mine, sending a slight shiver up my arm, "good luck."


Killian and Sage then walk off down the small hallway, or rather passage, lined with doors, Killian's large shaped frame being slightly too tall and so he has to stoop slightly.

I do a little jiggle once they're gone to get my brain working again, and turn my attention back to the door. I slide the key in, and although I don't expect a different result to Killian, I turn it anticlockwise. No movement whatsoever, which makes no sense. At a frequently used inn no lock should be that hard to get into, and definitely not that stiff. Things are not adding up.

Taking the key out I peer into the lock, and then feel like an idiot because all I can see is darkness. Okay take two, I place the key back in and instead of trying to force it with all my strength I jiggle it about, maybe it needs to be in the exact position in the hole, still nothing.

"Argh," I let out a quiet frustrated groan and twist the key again and suddenly the door swings open. I stand there in momentary shock, what just happened? Suddenly the gears in my head click, I twisted the key clockwise then by accident, the lock is a backwards lock, it all makes sense.

Giving myself a virtual pat on the back I enter the room. It is medium sized, a large double bed lies in the centre, a bed side table sits on either side of it with candles on them. I let out a yawn, the weariness getting the better of me and my stomach has a slight ache to it also, and go flop onto the bed. It's so soft, and I smile in relief, we've made it this far and tonight we will be able to sleep well in comfort.

The sound of voices begins to be heard from outside and I quickly jump up, the sleepiness going and I'm now full on alert. I cautiously go take a peak around the door and in relief just see Killian, Sage and Merik coming down.

"Ah, ye worked out the door!"

"I turned the key the other way," I mumble.

"Nice Leon!" Sage exclaims and walks through the doorway, plunking our bags down, Killian following behind him.

"I'll take it ye don't need me help anymore?" Merik says but Killian quickly starts talking.

"Actually I wouldn't mind one piece of advice, who would be a good person to buy a good horse off?"

"That would be Martha you want to find." He smiles, "She's got the stables out behind the bakery which will be quite easy for ye to find."

"Thank you for the help," Merik leaves and Killian turns to us. "I shall go find myself a horse, Sage if its all right with you, I would love a final horse check over once I've chosen, just to be sure that it'll be good for this journey?"

"Yes that works fine, just come find me when you have chosen, Leon and I will be doing a check over on our horses so we shall be around here somewhere."

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