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Winter-Rose POV

"Tell me what are you going to do?" Winter looked at all of them. "Are you willing to give her up for me, because I won't be part of your hypocrisy of a kingdom?"

Wayland's eyes were black with anger but he knew I was telling no lied.

"Enough." He hissed," you're so high on your horse that you can barely see past your ego."

"I walk like this 'cause I can back it up," I sing-song.

"Your such a child." He said with disgust. " And I could never be with one "

Aww and I should care because????

"And you are a little boy trying to play the role of a King."

"What don't you just get in that head of yours. I don't want to be part of your kingdom, my betas will work with you but don't expect me to."

My voice was deadly at that moment.

Third Person POV

All her life she understood people were never going don't read her with the respect she deserved but she was ready because she was willing to fight for it.

Being a woman that is also young doesn't always work in her favor either. People thought they could scare her into doing what they wanted but they were wrong. She didn't have a problem with setting them in her place. and looking great while at it 


"With permission to enter your land, they will be there tomorrow."

"Permission denied, I will only allow them if you were to come with them," Wayland said.

"I rather not." 

"Then they aren't allowed on the land," August said.

"Ohhh so you haven't gone mute good to know. And last I checked you weren't part of this conversation so stay in your lane."

"And last I checked I never asked for your permission." His eyes flashed black for a minute, his annoyance showing.

"What am I bothering you?"

"Not at all sister "

"I stopped being your sister the minute you decided our family, we weren't good enough for you." The minute I stopped being good enough for you.

"Same here." He fires back but his words hold no power anyone.

"You have permission only when you come with them," Wayland said before turning and leaving, everyone one of his followers walking in the back of him like the good puppets they are. 

She heard water splashing and turned to see Bean with his hand in the water trying to touch a catfish. What would I do without him?

I needed to come up with a plan on what to do with the so-called King. We may not like each other but we have a common threat and I want to deal with it before it becomes something better than it needs to be. 

If it was anyone else I wouldn't have a problem going in there territory and see what they want, but those people are snakes that will try and attack you if you breathe the wrong way. And knowing my crazy self I'll have entire coughing fit to just rub them the wrong way. 

Maybe this isn't such a bad idea, or maybe I'm looking for a fight. 

Most probably the lather cause it has been a while since I fought someone. Hopefully, I annoy someone enough that I get to fight, as you can see I'm a little fight thirsty. Oh, maybe I can listen to fight song while I kick butt.

Winter-RoseWhere stories live. Discover now